I found that it works well on many web sites but there are many it doesn't, Snapfiles for one and others. I did try to tweak it for recognition of but it still failed and after extensive searching and reading, there are many sites it just won't copy.
Of course some sites may take a long time depending on the site you try to copy so that's not really Cyotek's fault, it's just too much data to copy. It seems on most sites with all the ads and links these days, it's just too much to copy a web site, I would rather print it off as PDF or just screenshot it.
If you want to analyze a page, seeing how it's put together, images, code, etc... you can open the pages up in Dreamweaver or other program and it's all laid out. There are other methods, I know but thought I'd throw that in there.
All in all, I really don't want to go through all the trouble using this program to copy a web site unless it's a very basic one. I have other web site copiers that work faster and will copy near any site I throw at it without the need to tweak until my fingers are wore out.
It's a decent software for free but there are better.
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Mar 23, 2013 for v1.0.1.3