Batch Compiler

Batch Compiler User Reviews

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Decent 3 stars by gimpguy Aug 23, 2013 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
A very easy to use and understand program. The downside is it will NOT allow me to use an icon to attach to the compiled .exe. I have worked in graphics for years and I know my icon types and sizes and it simply says it's not a correct file. I tried .bmp, .png, .jpep aside from .ico just to be sure and all failed, all sizes, compiled icons, non compiled, same issue. I tried to contact the author through the provided email and it simply comes back at me saying it could not be delivered. Also, not sure if it's just me but my other converter creates an actual .exe file, this only allows for a .bat no matter what I do, which may explain the icon problem since a .ico can't typically be attributed to a .bat file in this manner. I redownloaded it, tried it on a 32 bit system, my son's, same issue. Aside from that, it is an excellent batch program which gives you usages, toolbox with line inserts, etc... and would be wonderful if the other issues and contact info would work. I gave it a three and hope this gets somehow fixed. If it does, guaranteed 5. show Review details
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