Basic but handles wide range of formats by Ian.Basford965
Apr 17, 2023
A basic tool which is what I needed - however its big benefit is that it handles a wider range of formats which products like realtrimmer for instance cannot cope with.
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It took me quite a while of trial and error to find out how to isolate a portion in a videofile and putting the two remaining portions togehter. There is no helpfile nor user manual. You are on your own to find out but when you get the Aha... Erlebnis this app works fine.
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Sep 09, 2018 for v6.0.0
Simple by dalleech1947419
Aug 26, 2018
Nice and simple, easy download and working with it in seconds. Just try it
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Simply impressive. ozmartian did a wonderful job creating a program that allows the ability to do single or multiple cuts then output those to a single file. There are no major options to configure to get it to work, it just works and that I appreciate the most! After testing it out on a half dozen videos there were no issues and the quality was maintained from the original resolution. Great Job!!!
Two-thumbs up!
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