Essential Freeware for Network Geeks

If you run a home or small offfice network, these tools can be essential to manage, analyze and diagnose your networked computers.

EventSentry LightEventSentry LightFree monitor Eventlog entriesshowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
TeamViewerTeamViewerFree remote control and desktop sharingshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(9)
WakeMeOnLanWakeMeOnLanFree send WOL packet to network computersshowEditor:rating
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Wireless Network WatcherWireless Network WatcherFree network scannershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
GlassWireGlassWireFree visual network security monitorshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
PRTG Network MonitorPRTG Network MonitorFree network traffic traffic monitorshowEditor:rating
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MACAddressViewMACAddressViewFree MAC address lookkup toolshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
Axence netToolsAxence netToolsFree a set of essential networking toolsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
NetSetManNetSetManFree switch between network settingsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
EMCO Network Software ScannerEMCO Network Software ScannerFree audit installed software on your networkshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Nmap Security ScannerNmap Security ScannerFree network security scannershowEditor:rating
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YorkYorkFree Trace and log all network trafficshowEditor:rating
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Essential NetToolsEssential NetToolsFree tools suite for network administratorsshowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
DNS BenchmarkDNS BenchmarkFree find the fastest DNS serversshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
FreeNASFreeNASFree Open Source Storage PlatformshowEditor:rating
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TamoSoft Throughput TestTamoSoft Throughput TestFree test network throughputshowEditor:rating
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Xirrus Wi-Fi InspectorXirrus Wi-Fi InspectorFree troubleshoot your wi-fi connectionshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
EventLog InspectorEventLog InspectorFree monitor and forward EventLog entriesshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
WhatsUp Gold Visual TraceRoute ToolWhatsUp Gold Visual TraceRoute ToolFree visual traceroute toolshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
IP Tools (IP Sniffer)IP Tools (IP Sniffer)Free networking tools and packet sniffershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Remote Desktop OrganizerRemote Desktop OrganizerFree manage Remote Desktop connectionsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Microsoft Network Monitor 3Microsoft Network Monitor 3Free network protocol analyzershowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating

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