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FlySpeed SQL Query screenshot

icon FlySpeed SQL Query

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:1010

FlySpeed SQL Query is a SQL query tool with a visual query builder interface that allows you to create complex queries without having to type any SQL. You can build most queries by simply selecting tables and field names and... more

SmartSniff screenshot

icon SmartSniff 2.30

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5 (3)
  • Popularity:99

SmartSniff is a TCP/IP packet capture program that allows you to inspect network traffic that passes through your network adapter. The two pane interface displays the captured packet and detailed information in ASCII or Hex... more

Sandboxie screenshot

icon Sandboxie 5.69.4

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (17)
  • Popularity:88

Sandboxie allows you to run your browser, or any other program, so that all changes that result from the usage are kept in a sandbox environment, which can then be deleted later. This allows you to remove traces of your... more

IsMyLcdOK screenshot

icon IsMyLcdOK 5.66

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4 (1)
  • Popularity:99

IsMyLcdOK is a very simple but effective solution to easily check for dead, paralyzed or stuck pixels on LCD monitors. It allows you to cycle through a series of full-screen test pages that include a paint stress test, solid... more

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