A quick download...pick a pic to use...enlarge it...compare it to original...hey, it's free and it's not too shabby, though I wish they'd pep up the look of it; it kinda looks old-fashioned by today's standards.
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I've always performed crops with PaintShop, but having seen this little tool listed I thought I'd try it, and am very impressed. Lossless, easy to use, fast loading and stand-alone - for me one huge bonus is that it leaves all the xif data intact, so that I can perform crops before using bulk remane utility to auto rename the files.
Another handy feature is the optional masking of cropped areas.
Give this program a try!
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Well it's 2006, 2+ years after this was released, and it is still the only freeware that I know of that does compressionless saves of JPG's. Every other tool I've tried reduces the quality regardless of how it's set. At a minimum other tools will reduce the number of unique colors each time a JPG is saved. It's subtle but it happens. This tool allows you to edit a JPG without losing any quality or increasing the size. Without this tool the only other way to get compressionless image crops is to save in TIF, BMP or other like formats that expand the image size 10 times.
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