
ShellExView User Reviews

5 stars82% 14
4 stars17% 3
3 stars0% 0
2 stars0% 0
1 star0% 0
Based on 17 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 17 user reviews
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Great utility! 5 stars by busybusy Oct 16, 2011 (Read all my 265 reviews)
It is straight forward, easy to use, and it works! Two-Thumbs up! Kudos! show Review details
Another great Nirsoft product 5 stars by Vagablonde Sep 29, 2011 (Read all my 3 reviews)
Does what its supposed to; another great Nirsoft product. show Review details
Super useful 4 stars by Irritated Feb 18, 2011 (Read all my 12 reviews)
Great deep-configuration tool for Windows. NOT FOR THE CASUAL USER! Your teenager will kill your Windows installation in about five minutes with this tool. For the advanced user or IT professionals it can be an extremely simple way to solve some otherwise tedious problems. The author, Nirsoft, makes a wide variety of other unique, single-use power tools--many of which end up in my portable USB toolkit. show Review details
Excellent 5 stars by RoseyN Jul 18, 2010
Really did work a treat. I had the problem when right clicking in windows explorer the system stopped. Would definitely recommend to others. show Review details
Great utility 5 stars by rufuscobb Nov 26, 2009
Downloaded in seconds, ran instantly, found and disabled the problem shell extension in about 2 minutes. Awesome! show Review details
Windows explorer right click crash fixed 5 stars by curmudgeon1936 Sep 23, 2009
Windows Explorer consistently crashed when right-clicking any file name or file icon except MyComputer and Shortcuts. Only way to delete or rename a file was via PowerDesk, which of course turned out to be the cause of the problem. Shexview.exe helped me nail the context menu and Drag-and-Drop shell extensions in PowerDesk as the culprits. Months of aggravation solved in minutes! show Review details
Explorer right click problem cured, fantastic 5 stars by waltersmitty Aug 12, 2009
Sick of my computer crashing every time I right clicked in Explorer, I downloaded ShellExView. I disabled all the extensions which were highlighted by ShellExView and then enabled them one by one, each time right clicking in Explorer until I found the culprit. Better file renamer was causing my problem. I can't thank the writer of this little prog enough. He is my hero and to get it for free is nothing short of amazing. show Review details
Amazing product 5 stars by SpanmasterS Jul 16, 2009
I spent quite a bit of time trying figure out why my mouses right click stopped working. Shellexview took care of it about 5 seconds. Nicely done. show Review details
Windows Explorer right click failure 5 stars by zedajal Jan 06, 2009
The problem symptom: "When I right-click a file in Windows Explorer, I get a message that Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close" ShellExView enabled me to resolve the issue; I cannot imagine how else I could have solved the problem; it was a snap... show Review details
Excellent utility 5 stars by gimpguy Sep 25, 2008 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
This saves so much time, viewing editing, modifying. I love it. This is one of those tools that can save others from having to use Google to find where every path is for these files. A must have, a can't live without! show Review details
It is not portable. 4 stars by gbjennings Aug 07, 2007 (Read all my 21 reviews)
In spite of otherwise being an excellent utility, it still writes it's settings to the registry instead of to an INI file. It is therefore not portable on a USB stick. The author could easily change this and make this a truly gold star utility. show Review details
Wonderful, excellent! 5 stars by D_Spider Jun 18, 2007 (Read all my 19 reviews)
It even has a convenient "search" function. It does what all the other reviewers have noted, and one thing they haven't: you can disable the context-menu entries of useful programs that rely on the context menu (Recase, CROA, etc.) until you want to use them. Then re-enable, get rid of all the ugly capital letters, for instance, and return the right-click menu to its cleaned-up, shortened state. (If ShellExView doesn't list the shell extension you want to disable, check out NirSoft's companion utility, "Shell Menu View" [shmnview].) It's amazing how nice it feels not to have to look at an interminable list of annoyances every time you right-click! show Review details
So wonderful i take it for granted 5 stars by jackfrost May 13, 2007 (Read all my 35 reviews)
Why this is not part of the management console snap-ins for administrative tools, i will never know. but it is a critical tool and a wonderful one at that. Nir Sofers little tools are truly a way to build a better mouse trap. you are a good man Mr. Sofer. show Review details
Must have utility 5 stars by RCAmans Oct 29, 2006
I am a Windows expert since forever, and could not fix my XP problem, until I tried this. A virus scanner shell extension was causing my explorer crashes, and before knowing that, I completely reinstalled WXP from scratch trying to fix the problem. What a waste of time I could have avoided with this utility. show Review details
Very handy! 5 stars by dolf04 Mar 13, 2006 (Read all my 4 reviews)
Very handy to get rid of annoying right click menus like those of media player, changes are easy recoverable too... show Review details
Really essential! easy to use. 5 stars by Ghost_grey Jan 31, 2006 (Read all my 56 reviews)
Shellexview (shell context extension view) does what its was made for, no installation required, quickly disables/enables/remove shell context menus, it even comes color coded so non windows shellext are highlighted in pink, so they are easy to distinguish and it also red highlights suspicious shell extensions (useless), disabled items are colored in grey, and it has a quick find for quickly finding items, very good descriptions all this for free, I cant believe i've gone this long without having this! this person (Nir sofer) who makes all these tools is really an innovator. show Review details
Really essential 4 stars by Rodger Jun 22, 2005 (Read all my 99 reviews)
This works very good-easy to use and each new version really has a lot of improvements-I like!! show Review details
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