
F.lux User Reviews

5 stars75% 3
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3 stars25% 1
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Based on 4 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 4 user reviews
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Works, but slow transitions 3 stars by dawnskies Aug 08, 2017 (Read all my 9 reviews)
Windows 10 has this built-in now, so I'd rather not use this anymore as transitions are slow and the UI is laggy. Prefer SunsetScreen to this. show Review details
Amazing tool 5 stars by busybusy Aug 16, 2012 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Computer users need a little help now and then with natural illumination when it comes to being in front of a computer monitor all day. This really help with my eyes in the evening hours. They have not updated this link in a while so visit the author's site for updates to this amazing program. Love it, use it, rate it! show Review details
Don't stay up past your bedtime 5 stars by brutallyblue Aug 01, 2012 (Read all my 8 reviews)
I read about f.lux in an article that offered several different ways to overcome insomnia, and also those (me) who tend to stay up too late. It's less than favorable to be a night owl when you have to be at work early in the morning. Even so, every night I'd be at my computer doing any number of tasks and wondering why I wasn't getting sleepy - even with sleep medication. After I installed f.lux, 9 times out of 10, I will go to bed when I am supposed to - and without the use of medication. It seems that what was keeping me wide awake was the bright light from the monitor, and naturally, what sort of activity I was doing. f.lux, follows the natural patterns of the sun, and as the evening wears on, it slowly dims your monitor - so slowly that it is impossible to perceive, and problem is solved. Your monitor has mellowed out by bedtime, and not wildly stimulating the brain into the late, late hours of the night like before. Of course, your mileage may vary, but everyone I've recommended it to has had positive results. This falls into the category of "the first programs I install" after reformatting my hard drive or setting up a new PC. It's an insomniac's best friend, and a must have. Many thanks to Michael Herf, the creator! show Review details
For eye strain 5 stars by STROBE Feb 23, 2011 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I love this gadget because it dims the screen very nicely with out changing quality of screen. I love it because it does a wonderful job of cutting glare you get on all those ALL WHITE pages of sites and reading mail! I swear by it.it really helps your eyes from GLARE! Thank you to the person who made this!! show Review details
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