
OutlookStatView User Reviews

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Another awesome Nirsoft tool 5 stars by busybusy Nov 06, 2012 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Since Micorsoft fails to provide enough needed information NirSoft has come in to save the day. The OutlookStatView is great to know exactly the information you need on your post office file. There is not need to install so you can put it on a Flash Drive and carry this tool with you. The are options for Exchange folders to Date Range settings, very flexible and informative. show Review details
An undiscovered gem 5 stars by mglenn Sep 19, 2010
Have lots of email messages? I have several thousand. Outlook StatView generates a comprehensive report showing incoming/outgoing message count, cumulative size and other stats for each sender/recipient. You might be surprised at what it finds. Very easy to use. Why wasn't something like this included in Outlook? Another gem from Nirsoft. And it's free! show Review details
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