I am extremely impressed how well and the amount of function available in hMailserver. I have this running along with SquirrelMail as my webmail interface, and the performance and antispam options are great. Lots of cool options, like plus addressing, clam antivirus integration and more.
No problems using IMAP with my iPad, iPhone, Android phones, or Outlook client. Running for over a year now, and zero problems.
hMailServer software hasn't been updated in a while, would like to see a new version, but hMailServer works great, and I am very happy to have found it. Help is available, plus there is an active forum. I wish the scripting was better documented (Not needed for everyone but something I want to explore more), but overall, probably the easiest and more robust mail server to get up and running.
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted May 22, 2012 for v5.33.1879