VMware Player

VMware Player User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 3 user reviews
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Get vmware and play! 5 stars by busybusy Apr 10, 2021 (Read all my 265 reviews)
VMware had grown to be common place the the VMware Player added to our computer experience. The Player has become more stable over time and is showing it maturity. This is great when you need to run different environments like Linux or older versions of Windows for testing or gaming purposes. If you have a need for a virtual environment this is the best way to go. show Review details
Quality 5 stars by Gunner88 Sep 24, 2016 (Read all my 6 reviews)
A genuinely excellent piece of kit this, and virtually idiot proof. Tested to date with two flavours of Linux and my venerable copy of XP, and it has performed flawlessly. Beats others I have tried by a large margin, and I will almost certainly purchase the pro version. show Review details
Very nice 5 stars by gimpguy Aug 21, 2013 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
Well as far as VM software goes, this is definitely one of the easiest to use when installing an OS. It has easy install which should be enough for newer users of a VM software. As you know you can't run Windows 7 VM on MS virtual PC and I'm sorry but Virtual Box has been so buggy, I can't stand to use it unless I'm installing Linux of some flavor. VMware Player works flawlessly at least for me. The only downside is you can't take snapshots and manage them in the free version. You can however, copy the VM image and put it aside in case you botch the current one. All in all, a great VM that I am using exclusively, upgraded to workstation version, very very happy with it. show Review details
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