MiTeC Weather Agent

MiTeC Weather Agent User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 3 Based on 2 user reviews
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Needs improvement 3 stars by nc2k-nl Mar 21, 2013 (Read all my 2 reviews)
In collapse view only the upper section with the present weather conditions is shown and this part has very little room for the current weather description and not even the time and date completely fit in. It has 45 descriptions for weather conditions in the .lng but "Storm" is nowhere to find... The good thing about this little proggie is that it's very easy to use but the downside of it is it's lack of features. show Review details
Just ok 3 stars by gimpguy Mar 20, 2013 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
Yes, this displays the 5 day forecast. As stated, you can't minimize to tray, all you can do is roll up the other 4 days into the main bar, which still leaves the main bar on your desktop. Has very basic options like Celsius or Fahrenheit but nothing for looks, usage, things of that nature. Oh well, you can have it remain on top always but that's it. It's free, it works, but I can't say anything about this that would make me use it currently. show Review details
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