Screen Dragons

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It's almost the software I've been dream 4 stars by carl969 Nov 26, 2018 (Read all my 2 reviews)
When I got the idea to paste images onto my Windows desktop, I thought it would be fairly easy to do. Currently, my workflow is that I use a vector drawing program to paste notes, and some separate area for kanban columns onto a nice image. I then use Windows Sticky Notes to organize my immediate tasks. However, changing and exporting desktop bitmaps is the pain it sounds to be. When I saw this program, I was very excited! Once you know how, it couldn't be simpler to place bitmaps on the desktop. There was a problem I saw immediately which was that I couldn't rotate the images; this is kinda fine.. just an aesthetics point. The BIG problem is that you cannot save the configuration between reboots. Until you can, it's really no more than a cool toy. show Review details
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