These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
TextCrawler is a string search and replace tool that enables you to find and/or replace text and phrases across multiple files. The program supports simple keyword searches as well as advanced queries, using regular exp...
Category: Word Processing
neoSearch indexes your computer and provides almost instant search results for file queries. Just type in the first few letters of the file name and view the best matches or hit Enter for a detailed search report. ...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
NetworkSleuth is a network file search utility, that allows you to quickly locate files across a network. You can search for files by name, type, content (text), and other criteria.The program supp...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
MyLastSearch is a handy little tool that enables you to review your recent web searches. It scan the IE and Firefox browsing history and returns a formatted report with all web searches performed on Google, Yahoo and MS...
Category: Browser Tools
Lookeen is a desktop search tool that enables you to search your computer for files that match your keywords by name or content.
In addition to file searches, Lookeen also includes full email sea...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
FileSeek enables you to search your computer for files that match a specified keyword or string. The program not only searches for matching file names but also scans the content of the files and provides an excerpt of t...
Category: File Management
Everything is a desktop search engine that enables you to find files and folders instantly by simply typing the name or part of it. It can index your entire computer in a matter of seconds and automatically keeps the in...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application that enables you to quickly locate content in your documents based on a keyword search. Unlike many other desktop search tools, the program i...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Listary is a find-as-you-type search utility that allows you to search through file lists in Windows Explorer, Open/Save dialogs and similar applications. To quickly locate a file in the list, simply press the keyboard ...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Inspyder Rank Reporter is an SEO tool for website owners that allows you to keep track of your website`s ranking in popular search engines. You can create projects with multiple keywords and the program will query the s...
Category: SEO Tools