I tested this and it basically works. There are many features, therefore you need to be a little patient to understand how to use it. It does the job but what I was missing was better Unicode support. In one case it accidentally converted the Files from UTF-8 to ANSI. So ensure you have a backup first.
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Easy to use and powerful replacement for unlimited number of files.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jan 10, 2007 for v3.1f
Regex good only for finding, not replacing! by SanctimoniousApe
Jan 10, 2006
(Read all my 5 reviews)
Pretty good search options, but unless I'm missing something it appears it can only replace with specific text. With RegEx replace I should be able to search for "pic([0-9]).jpg" and replace with "pic000.jpg", but the replace dialog doesn't recognize the .
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jan 10, 2006 for v3.1f
Superior search-and-replace tool by wintermute
Aug 02, 2005
I have used this jewel a lot of time: In a localization project where I dig into thousands of files (htm, jsp, etc) to search and replace an interface string; when moving a dns server containing multiple zones, to change IP addresses and host names. You can use regex to do complex search/replace operations. Give it a try, you won't need another search-replace tool.
Version 3.1f can search in Html, Rtf, Pdf, WinWord and Excel files and many other file formats.
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