Mail PassView

Mail PassView User Reviews

5 stars80% 4
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2 stars20% 1
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Based on 5 reviews
Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 5 user reviews
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Not comprehensive 2 stars by katiezee2677 Oct 05, 2012 (Read all my 2 reviews)
This worked quickly and displayed the result as promised. However, this delivered only 2 results, one Gmail, one Hotmail, from a total of 7 of my email accounts in Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and Aol. Editors note: Mail PassView only recovers passwords that are stored in supported email clients (listed in our description). Other passwords (e.g stored in your browser) are not supported by this app. show Review details
Amazingly brilliant! 5 stars by busybusy Oct 16, 2011 (Read all my 265 reviews)
I can't tell you how many systems I had rebuilt where people would forget their passwords. This tool makes it easy to get the information and get their e-mail up and working. Kudos! Two-Thumbs Up! Get it, use it, Rate it! show Review details
Yeah right... 5 stars by gimpguy Sep 25, 2008 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I was under the impression this would only handle pop3 accounts or ones listed, well, using windows live mail, it also retrieved my hotmail account password. How's that for a shock? So this not only gets all my email passwords, even hotmail using Windows live! This is one awesome utility, a must have! show Review details
Very nice! 5 stars by Apokalipsys Apr 08, 2007 (Read all my 14 reviews)
Small, low system resources, fast, works with Outlook 2007 and it's free! It is very nice whenever I need to do a backup of may POP3 accounts so I don't have to be searching for configuration info on different files. It is now a tool to use with my customers too. I would like to see SMTP server info retrieval too and some other configuration info, for example for Gmail accounts that needs other special specs. show Review details
Tech tool 5 stars by hrwasp Aug 27, 2005 (Read all my 48 reviews)
This is a tech tool that is a must have! I downloaded it today, tried it on my clients machine. Within a second, I had every password for every email account that was on that machine. My client was all too happy to pay for my services today! A tool that has been added to my disks!! show Review details
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