EMCO Malware Destroyer

EMCO Malware Destroyer User Reviews

5 stars22% 2
4 stars44% 4
3 stars22% 2
2 stars11% 1
1 star0% 0
Based on 9 reviews
Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 9 user reviews
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Decent 4 stars by gimpguy Sep 08, 2012 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
This is definitely a scanner with many options. The interface may scare some users to the point of not liking it but it gives you a choice on what to scan, very in depth. I don't know how it actually detected since I don't have anything on this pc to catch, will have to try it on something infected later on. So far, seems fast, easy to use basic scan, great options. show Review details
More work needed 3 stars by SilverFox Mar 22, 2008 (Read all my 7 reviews)
Thanks to EMCO for adding their product to the arsenal against malware. I found it scans the registry quickly, less so the file system. The interface seems clunky and confusing, with windows opening on windows. More work here would give the product a more professional appearance. There are some cryptic options, for example under 'Tools', there is a menu option: 'Total Removal Info in Database'. Presumably that refers to the definition database? Not sure why one would wish to "totally remove" that info, unless it was, say, corrupted? This is not an option I have seen on any similar program, and not sure what its purpose would be. The scanning progress notifier needs more work to show just what it is scanning at any given time. Needs a notifier to indicate when it has finished scanning also. show Review details
False finder 3 stars by pantherman Feb 01, 2008 (Read all my 14 reviews)
Plus side, Fast. Minus side, Kept giving false positives. In one month of use never updated once. I checked for updates each day. show Review details
It did find malware! 4 stars by ChrisD Dec 04, 2007 (Read all my 4 reviews)
This program is a bit cluncky and the updates takes "forever". But when it's ready to go it scans faster than anything I've used. I have top notch commercial protection on my computer, but this program found two pieces of malware that my other protection had let through. It's free, so I do not feel any reason to complain. I'll stick it in my toolbox and use it from time to time. As a second (or third) line of defense it's excellent, and absolutely much better than nothing! show Review details
A freeware program that works! 5 stars by HerbieChai Mar 25, 2007
This will find worms others have missed. I have the highest praise for this product. show Review details
A sleeper that is extremely fast 5 stars by Fletch Dec 03, 2006 (Read all my 8 reviews)
Won't tie up your PC for ages like some of them. While it did report a false positive, I provided info to them and it was remedied in the next update a few days later--very impressed by their response. While the list of target signatures it searches isn't exhaustive [presently 10,160] it is an excellent choice to run as well as the "Big 2" of spybot and adware detection as it picks up bad guys they miss and is done in a snap--much quicker than anything else I'm aware of out there in freeware. Give it a shot as a second opinion-if the developers continue to be responsive to users' needs it could very well grow into a primary tool for spyware detection. show Review details
Underrated program 4 stars by Xenate May 12, 2006 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I think this program is underrated. It scans very quickly and searches for a large number of worms/trojans etc. Unlike Bazooka, this program will actually remove these pests from your computer. I think this program deserves more credit than it gets. It's not the best in the field but its certainly worth a go. show Review details
No no it work good 4 stars by SkippyMaroo Mar 29, 2006 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I dont know what hes talking about the product works well and does scan fast. It finds trojans and worms and spyware and removes them effectively . If you scan and remove, then scan again you will sometimes still find the trojans ..YOU MUST reboot sometimes after the scan to correct this.. Oh yes one more thing in reference to the previous comment ,you can not detect a worm or trojan by simply importing it on to your computer by coping it from a disk and pasting it in a folder on your desktop ,it must be entered in the registry (by a java drive-by download ,program install, or by some other means) and that is why this guy didn't find any trojans on his machine .Because they were not active in his computer(REGISTRY).This program does not scan all files and folders and hard disks . It scan windows system files and registry entries. Happy birthday to me. Skipy show Review details
Work this software? 2 stars by xenestis Jan 18, 2006 (Read all my 5 reviews)
Scan work only 3-5 sec,result-nothing found.i have Look2Me,FindOnline,CoolSearchA,Sextrakker on my experimentPC installed,result-no malware found congratulation.work this software? show Review details
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