Go to tools ---> Install to portable drive. It will carry over a portable version and all your settings to the pen drive.
I also like how easy it is to "save as .epub"
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This app is advertised as 'portable.' That it is not. It not only writes new folders and files to your PC, but entries to your registry, as well. That is certainly not my definition of 'portable.'
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I'd buy this program like a shot if it had support for tables -- unfortunately, most of my documents contain tables, so I can't use it. Very frustrating. In most other ways, this is an excellent lightweight replacement for Word.
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It's a really compact and fast-loading word-processor with all the features that an average power-user requires. There are no drawing-tools and tables, but who needs them anyway in word-processing. I've been using it since version 1.5 appeared. The updates are without any hassles. One can also save a document in a 256-bit encryption file-format (COD).
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Aug 31, 2007 for v1.6.1.7
Atlantis is much better than microsoft word by RobertTrost
Aug 30, 2006
(Read all my 7 reviews)
Atlantis the excellent product of word processor developers who THINK! It has many more features than Microsoft Word (any version), such as double underline, easy insertion of special symbols, etc. The only thing I'd like the developers to add is a "print to PDF" feature like the one in Open Office.
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I have used Atlantis Pro version for years, since it's beginning. I've tried many word processor alternatives but never found any better for my needs. I use it at work and home. The only time I use MSWord is when I do heavy duty drawing or graphics work. Atlantis is amazing. I've never paid for an upgrade. Give it a try.
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