
Q-Dir User Reviews

5 stars60% 9
4 stars13% 2
3 stars6% 1
2 stars6% 1
1 star13% 2
Based on 15 reviews
Avg. user rating: 4 Based on 15 user reviews
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No comparison 5 stars by oculusmatrix462 Oct 31, 2022 (Read all my 8 reviews)
I've used a lot of different file managers in my time but I've always came back to this one still to this day. It does lots more than i need it for, but always does what I need it to do. The only problem that i cant figure out for the life of me is i myself mostly use the dual pane view, but the right pane does not keep memory of how i have items sorted. I always sort alphabetical a-z. Try it for a awhile and see if its just me or if its actually a issue. Ive learned to get used to it and just hit the sort button on a daily basis, still a awesome manager! show Review details
ideas fore future versions: 4 stars by alfehans874 Jan 19, 2019 (Read all my 4 reviews)
1. Opportunity to compare two folder structures so that it is possible to see having there latest 2. file compare show Review details
Awesome multi-window file management tool 5 stars by busybusy May 01, 2018 (Read all my 265 reviews)
This is my updated post on this utility. This utility has come a long way. It is flexible, stable, has a lot of features. I like the layout of the windows along with the tool icons per window. This may confuse people but once you poke around a little it all makes sense. Great utility and kudos on it still supporting older version of Windows 98. I still us 98 on a couple test systems and this make it easier to get things done then having to open multiple explore windows. So Thanks!!! I give it Two-Thumbs Up! Get it, use it, rate it! - Thanks again for this great program. show Review details
Excellent program - 1 caveat 5 stars by PCTyson Jul 17, 2017 (Read all my 3 reviews)
EXCELLENT program. I use it regularly. Be aware of one issue however. Within Q-Dir if you select "As default browser for all" under the "Extras", "Q-Dir as default browser" option and then uninstall Q-Dir at a later date, it will totally mess up your program associations. You will end up with the error " This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action...." None of the online recommendations will work for fixing this. I found the solution. You must reinstall Q-Dir and then deselect the "As default browser for all" option as mentioned above. You can then safely remove Q-Dir. The "This file does not have....." issue will go away. Even though it took me several days to remedy this issue, I have reinstalled Q-Dir and I do recommend it. show Review details
My favorite file manager in windows 5 stars by hreeus Sep 23, 2016 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I've tried quite a few file managers in the past years but I keep coming back to Q-dir. I've had no issues running both portable and installation versions on Win xp, Win 7, Win 8 and now on Win 10. Program settings can be a little awkward but for a free program I can't complain. show Review details
Slow performance 1 stars by cartel.del.oso726 Jul 07, 2016
I've use Qdir for a while, but now I've a very slow performance, the program sometimes just get freezed and it's necesary to kill the process, the load of the files in a dir, the basic operations (mv, cp, ren, mkdir, etc.), I've installed in others pc's with different OS version and is just the same behaviour, It's a sheme 'cause the program by itself was very superior to the native windows file explorer. And one last just small thing, please change the icon. show Review details
Keeps jamming up! 2 stars by mymonaro2003370 Jun 25, 2016 (Read all my 8 reviews)
I had been using this program for some years up until two months ago. On Windows 10 and Vista the program kept freezing. Also, when one would attempt to copy from one pane to another it would not work, also deletion of files would not work. Disappointing, as I did like the program. I have now moved to a competitor's product. show Review details
Disappointing 1 stars by bawldiggle May 25, 2016 (Read all my 5 reviews)
I have tried Q-Dir twice in last 5 months. Two major let-downs are the amateurish GUI and accessing "Settings" Q-Dir desperately needs a table-style Settings "pagewindow". The mammoth menu on menubar is not convenient for initial setup, nor for ongoing tweaks. (If not a settings window, then sub-meus on on the menu would be an improvement) GUI is amateurish, all components are cramped in. Active panel "tab" is not easily identified at a glance. Tab captions need some white space to facilitate easy (eye) "scanning". Drive links are way too small for convenient drive changes. (Its time the developer removed the failed "Warning" on the home page, which is supposed to be funny, but will put a lot of newbies off.) This app could be a real winner for those of us who work on laptops (small monitors). I prefer 2 panel setup -- Folder + Files pane with tabs for multiple file-panes. Presently I am using CubicExplorer (developers web-site has vanished in past 3 months) and is vastly superior to Q-Dir. I think CubicExplorer is available here on SnapFiles.com show Review details
Good but could be so much better 3 stars by plasticpig72701 Jan 01, 2015 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I have used this for a number of years. I find it strange that it is the one file manager that I keep uninstalling and reinstalling. Whereas others I have just stayed with. I like the 4 pane layout, it is neat and simple, but it is the lack of configuration options that frustrates me. I would like to suggest that anyone who likes this tries Justmanager which you can configure to have as many panes as you want. I find 3 columns works well. It has been in alpha stage for ages, but has never failed me. I just wish that Q-Dir would evolve a little more, then perhaps I would not feel the need to keep uninstalling it. show Review details
Excellent: small, fast, portable 5 stars by Harlan Oct 08, 2012 (Read all my 69 reviews)
It does what you would expect from a multi-pane file manager. It's not as comprehensive as MultiCommander, or as pretty as NexusFile, but it has a ton of features in a small package that is constantly updated. Its only deficiency is the complex command structure, which is an inherent problem for all of the highly-capable file managers. Being able to work with up to 4 panes at once is usually more than I need, but occasionally it has been very handy. The portable version is identical to the installed version, and is the one I use. I highly recommend it. show Review details
Great program 5 stars by agillbb Nov 09, 2010 (Read all my 4 reviews)
Definitely my file explorer of choice, and I have tried about 6 multi-pane viewers - I find it the most enjoyable of all to use. show Review details
Good product 5 stars by AllReviewer Sep 26, 2009 (Read all my 8 reviews)
This is a small standalone program which does not need installation and this is a great advantage. I love the customizable color usage. The program is quite robust It quickly replaced my Windows explorer. Great software. show Review details
I think I`ll be keeping this one. 5 stars by gimpguy May 16, 2009 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I too as other used Power Desk, etc... but I like this one better. When I work with plugins, folders, Gimp, images all at the same time, this is perfect! I don't have to open numerous windows, yet I have enough in one window and it works great. I think I'll be keeping this one. It's fast, has an easy to use interface, free, can't say enough about it. show Review details
Excellent program 5 stars by enrestoch May 15, 2009 (Read all my 3 reviews)
Great FM, multipane, fast, flexible, stable. Second only to UltraExplorer. show Review details
Versatile and looking good 4 stars by Nicholas May 11, 2009 (Read all my 72 reviews)
After PowerDesk, FreeCommander and many other file managers I like Q-dir best. It is versatile and user friendly. And it is looking good. Fun to work with. A great help to fight chaos in an ever growing and complex file system. Recommended! show Review details
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