
DesktopOK User Reviews

5 stars75% 6
4 stars25% 2
3 stars0% 0
2 stars0% 0
1 star0% 0
Based on 8 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 8 user reviews
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Works well! 4 stars by mareket205 Sep 09, 2015
Works well as long as you dont have the Auto arrange icons option ticked which if enabled takes precedence over all other ways off arranging icons. If after using DesktopOK you or someone else does enable the Auto arrange icons option and the icons are scrambled even if you untick Auto arrange icons DesktopOK wont work unless you first manually move an icon. Doing this breaks the lock that Auto arrange icons has and then DesktopOK will restore your preferred icon arrangement. show Review details
Great desktop tool! 5 stars by busybusy Jul 18, 2012 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Nenad Hrg is has some great tools and amazing programmer. This one can save you Desktop Bacon! How many times can I count where Windows does an update or whatever then messes up your desktop icons. In XP I used a different tool to save my icons and display setting but it does not work in Windows 7 this one does. It has many great features, the autosave is a nice touch. If you like to keep your desktop the way you want it and not the way windows could change it then this is a tool you should have. Two-Thumbs Up! Get it, use it, rate it! show Review details
Exactly right... 5 stars by Woodster May 23, 2011 (Read all my 6 reviews)
Every other reviewer is exactly right. Excellent software, performs flawlessly. show Review details
Does exactly what it says... 5 stars by MyBuddy Apr 13, 2011
Does exactly what it says, and with a small footprint! show Review details
Works! 5 stars by TerryP Nov 16, 2010 (Read all my 87 reviews)
A simple, good, and easy-to-use program. A real time saver when desktop icon locations become scattered or disappear by programs that change the screen settings. show Review details
Good to have 4 stars by JaJoa69 Jul 19, 2010 (Read all my 18 reviews)
So simple to use,and a real time saver to prevent Desktop icons that get screwed up from time to time. show Review details
Perfect 5 stars by Harlan Dec 07, 2009 (Read all my 69 reviews)
I use it all the time (manually; I don't like the automatic saves, since I rarely change my desktop layout) when I switch screen resolutions. Works great and has never created a problem under WinXP. show Review details
Perfect 5 stars by CarbonDudeoxide Jul 25, 2009 (Read all my 26 reviews)
Wonderful program! Does exactly what it's supposed to do. show Review details
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