
SyMenu User Reviews

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Based on 2 reviews
Avg. user rating: 3 Based on 2 user reviews
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Amazing portable menu 4 stars by busybusy Mar 29, 2017 (Read all my 265 reviews)
SyMenu has a lot of functionality and highly configurable. Some parts are quick to learn and other may take a little time to get setup to the way you would like. But overall a really great menu system. I am working on creating a setup for all my portable programs that I use so this should come in quite handy in the execution off the USB stick. Two-Thumbs Up! Get it, use it, rate it! show Review details
Used to like it. 2 stars by Shelduck Jan 14, 2017 (Read all my 2 reviews)
It used to be good but the updates to it have made it much inferior: so, I have reverted to an earlier version. I really can no longer recommend it. show Review details
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