Software Reviews by miskairal

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Recuva Recuva

Lost 6 photos at work today 5 stars
I lost 6 photos at work today. Gone from the camera, gone from my c drive and gone from the USB drive. Brought home the SD card and used Recuva and hey presto I can now enjoy my weekend instead of feeling sick. I just wish I could check all the files found in one go eg. Select All although I have an old version I downloaded from here years ago and that may well have changed. Price: Free
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RJ TextEd RJ TextEd

The best 5 stars
Every once in a while you come across a program and wonder where it's been all your life. RJTextEd is just that for me. It does it all, there is nothing else I wish it would do whereas all the other HTML/CSS editors I've tried have at least one thing missing. If you are looking for a better editor try this, you won't be sorry. It is so smooth, the preview is fast, it has word wrap (yay), and there is a portable version so you can take it with you. Thankyou to the author for this wonderful freeware. Price: Free
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Jaangle Jaangle

At long last 5 stars
I have spent more time than I care to admit trying to find an MP3 player that could be used as a kind of jukebox for parties and at last I have found something close to what I want. This player is nice and best of all it takes only minutes to figure it out. It sorted all my music just as I want it and found it all easily. You don't need play lists although you can make them if you want. You can EASILY QUEUE SONGS and there are plenty of skins to chose from. I can't seem to queue a single song by clicking the queue button, only by backspace key or right click? The only other thing I wish it could do is shuffle through all my music and play if there are no songs queued. This is the programme I will be using to turn a 4year old XP machine into a jukebox :) Price: Free
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AMP Calendar AMP Calendar

Does all it`s meant to 5 stars
I've had this program for at least a year now and it's the first thing I start up after a format because I can no longer live without the date in the system tray which is just a number and doesn't take up much room. AMP calendar is standalone and uses a total of just 732kb in the folder it resides in on my computer. You can't write on it, it doesn't do alarms, it doesn't have skins and all those other things, it simply gives you the date and a calendar and this was the only program I found to put the date in the system tray using so few system resources. Price: Free
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Opera Opera

Simply the best 5 stars
I have been using Opera almost since I first ever had internet access. I've also used IE and Firefox but neither can compete on speed with Opera. Plus there are no plugins to download and install when you want it to do a particular thing, Opera does it all. A format and reinstall doesn't leave you searching for all those plugins you had installed before. I carry Opera portable with me at all times because I just cannot go back to IE on other people's computers. Try it, give it a chance - like many new programs on your computer you will need to take a bit of time to tweak it how you want it. It's worth it. Price: Free
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POP Peeper POP Peeper

Had it for years 5 stars
I first installed this program at least 4 years ago and possibly a lot more. I needed a means to delete big emails before they started downloading back when I was on dialup. I still use it all the time now simply to monitor (check headers only) what is in my accounts and download the email when I want it or delete many of those endless jokes we've all seen a hundred times. I am using it with Yahoo, hotmail and gmail accounts as well as my ISP account but there are many more webmail type accounts it can be used with. You can use Pop or Imap settings too. Very easy to use and imports accounts with no problems. The forum is great if you need help. I'd just really like to see a portable version ;) Price: Free
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OpenOffice OpenOffice

Open anything 5 stars
The beauty of Oo is that I can open almost any file anyone sends me - the same can't be said for it's main competitor. The standard version of that competitor costs at least $575 here and that's without the database so I now have only Oo portable installed and have not missed what I used to have. I write a big newsletter every month and can be quite creative with the features supplied by Oo. To those who say it's got a steep learning curve I say that you have a steep learning curve no matter what office product you try. The only fault I have found with Oo is it is way too slow to open but I can happily live with that for the price. It is comforting to know that whatever files I create now I will be able to open 10 years down the track without having to fork out hundreds of dollars in the meantime. Price: Free
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PhotoFiltre PhotoFiltre

Top of the picks 5 stars
Just as Gusimio said, further down, I have both PhotoFiltre and Photoscape installed as there are a couple of things I can do in Photoscape that I can't do so easily or at all in Photofiltre. However Photofiltre is the one I use most. It is so fast to open and does everything so well. I first came across Photofiltre when looking for a replacement for microsoft's Photo Editor as I no longer have any version of Office installed. The key thing I was looking for was the "Paste as New Image" feature and Photofiltre is the only program I have found that has it. Price: Free
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Comodo Backup Comodo Backup

Excellent program 5 stars
I have been using this for about 6 months now and have found it fantastic for my purposes. I use the synchronization settings to backup whatever I am working on most to another hard drive so I have a constant backup. I have not noticed any slowing of my computer. I have also used all the backup modes with great success. I have found this to be one of the more easier programs to use in that the different backup modes are fully self explanatory. Price: Free
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DriveImage XML (Private Edition) DriveImage XML (Private Edition)

Simple and clear for all 5 stars
I've done heaps of backups with this now and I find it extremely easy to use. I've not had reason so far to have to use it's Restore feature but have used the Browse quite ok. It only takes 10-15 minutes to backup each of my drives without compression. Price: Free
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NexusFont NexusFont

Smooth and nice and it's portable! 5 stars
Does everything it says in the review easily and intuitively, no help file needed. Looks great. So easy to browse your pc for non installed fonts and install them with a single click. This one is a keeper, 1.6MB of excellence. Price: Free
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Personal Video Database Personal Video Database

Excellent freeware 5 stars
What a beautiful piece of software. Gives me all the info that I could want about any movie, even ones from the early 90s. I can add my own ratings which was a feature important to me. So easy to use and intuitive, no help file needed to work with it. It seems you can import from a csv or Excel file although I have not tried this. Price: Free
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Photoscape Photoscape

Wow, almost there 5 stars
I'm still waiting for the perfect program that will do all I want it to but this is the closest yet. There are so many things you can do with it. I found it after searching for a freebie that would allow me to quickly and easily add a speech balloon to a pic. This also does screenshots (MWSnap allows you to add a cursor though), framing, combining of several pics into one, create boxes from your pics, make your photos look very old, print thumbnails or multiple pics on a page amongst all the standard things that most graphics programs do. I really like the way you get the explorer type window for quick navigation The only cons I have found so far.... Can't add a cursor to a screenshot Can't choose the level for some of the filters Price: Free
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Windows Essentials Codec Pack Windows Essentials Codec Pack

Worked for what I wanted 5 stars
I had been unable to get flv files to play in several flv players despite installing another codec pack and the latest flash player. As a last ditch effort I installed this and it worked simply because included in the pack was Media Player Classic which is the only program to play the flv files so far. I don't know why it plays them and Any FLV player and Riva won't but it saves me converting .flv files. Yippee Price: Free
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Eusing Free Registry Cleaner Eusing Free Registry Cleaner

Another great freeware 5 stars
Ran this this morning because I have installed and uninstalled that much software that my computer was starting to feel the effects. Windows Explorer was so slow opening and navigating. I let Eusing fix all the errors it found (after saying yes to setting a system restore point) and I have found no problems so far. It's like having a zippy new computer. Price: Free
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Clickster Clickster

Not bad 5 stars
I gave Clickster an excellent rating in all areas because it does what it's meant to without any fuss - thankyou Remlap. The interface is actually a bit daggy but it's simple and light and that's all that really counts. Features are minimal and that's the way I prefer things - leave off the bells and whistles and leave my computer running faster. A few times it didn't seem to connect and find anything but I'd wait and try again later and all would be good. I have managed to download some older songs from the 70s that I really wanted and was too lazy to copy from my own records (in reality I don't do a very good job of it). The only thing I'd ask to be improved upon really is some more details on the files found as now it's very much a lucky dip as to how good a version you get. I'm on satellite internet which is fairly slow and don't have the luxury of playing all the files found to see which is the best. Price: Free
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The software developer responded to this review on Oct 21, 2007: Thank you for our posting and generous rating and I m really grateful you took the time to do this. I will be releasing Clickster 1.60 over the next week or so. The interface has been given a major facelift as it did look, well, not that professional. I am certainly working to provide more information on the tracks found, including the reading of their mp3 id-tags. Hopefully it won t be too long before I have this licked. Included in version 1.60 is a really good MySpace Ripper; with over 100 million mp3 s, from over six million bands. Thank you again for your review and posting.

SmartStartMenu SmartStartMenu

Like wheels on luggage... 5 stars
Why wasn't this thought of sooner. Plain, clean searching of your pc. I changed a few things in settings, such as what file types to search for, so that jpgs and documents are searched instead of bat and lnk files. My only complaint is the look. As much as I love green it would be nice to have a choice. Brilliant thank you. Price: Free
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JAlbum JAlbum

Brilliant 5 stars
I love it. Does what it's meant to in a stylish way and all for nothing. Goes great with thingamablog for my purposes ie. dialup, although I do occasionally directly ftp across some bigger jpg files. Price: Free Trial ($39.00)
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Thingamablog Thingamablog

Highly configurable and great for dialup 5 stars
Yes it's a little tricky to get the base url and path right but other than that it is easy to use. I was able to totally change the look with the css and html editing and have it joined up with a jalbum which has provided a great combo for my needs on my dialup. In fact I have found this far easier to alter the look of than online bloggers I have tried. Price: Free
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MWSnap MWSnap

Another handy program 5 stars
I've installed this on all computers owned by family and friends. Then when they try to tell me about a problem they are having I can say take a screenshot and most of them can manage it with MWSnap. Great program. Price: Free
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FileNote FileNote

So handy 5 stars
I use it the same as Matt, for keeping info with downloaded exe files. It is so easy to use, simply right click a file, chose filenote from the context menu, type your note, save and close. I've marked it as excellent in features as it does what it's meant to do and I'm not fussed on program with millions of bells and whistles. Price: Free
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SpaceMonger SpaceMonger

Small and simple 5 stars
So easy to use and standalone as well. I can just cart it round on my USB drive and show friends why they have run out of room on their hard drives. This is one utility I would never be without. Price: Free
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Billy Billy

So easy! 5 stars
Remembering this is meant to be a basic player I gave it full marks. Any computer novice can use it and it even works well on an old Pentium 133MHz. Queuing of songs is great. Price: Free
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