Tweak and Customize your computer

If you like to tinker with your PC, customize your desktop and tweak all sorts of system settings, you should have a look at this selection of software.

TweakPowerTweakPowerFree keep your computer running at optimal speed and efficiencyshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(6)
RainmeterRainmeterFree desktop customization platformshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
GadgetPackGadgetPackFree use Vista gadgets on Windows 8/10showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Macrorit Partition Expert FreeMacrorit Partition Expert FreeFree manage your disk partitionsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
F.luxF.luxFree adjust monitor brightness to the time of dayshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
Stardock FencesStardock FencesTrial organize your desktop into sectionsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(6)
WindowBlindsWindowBlindsTrial change the look and feel of WindowsshowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
CloverCloverFree add tabs to Windows ExplorershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(7)
Right Click EnhancerRight Click EnhancerFree tweak and customize the right-click menushowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Memory BoosterMemory BoosterFree automatic memory optimizershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Classic ShellClassic ShellFree restore several classic Windows featuresshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(17)
Folders PopupFolders PopupFree quick access to frequently used foldersshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
CoolbarzCoolbarzFree add custom toolbars to your desktopshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
GIGATweakerGIGATweakerFree system tweaking toolshowEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
TweakNow PowerPackTweakNow PowerPackTrial multi-functional system utilityshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
FoldericoFoldericoFree customize folder colors and iconsshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
QTTabBarQTTabBarFree add folder tabs to Windows ExplorershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
Vector ClocksVector ClocksFree scalable desktop clocksshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(6)
Rainbow FoldersRainbow FoldersFree colorize your foldersshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(8)
RocketDockRocketDockFree A Mac-like application launchershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(12)

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