
ieSpell User Reviews

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The easy way to check spelling in IE 5 stars by wildgoosespeeder Dec 29, 2009 (Read all my 52 reviews)
This tool is great when going on forums or anywhere that has text boxes to fill out when using Internet Explorer. No more need to copy and paste text from Internet Explorer into a Microsoft Word document to check spelling. This works for all current Internet Explorer versions as of this time this review is posted. I don't go to the menu bar to select the check spelling option but rather I right-click the text box I want to check spelling on and select the check spelling option that way. If a webpage has multiple text boxes, ieSpell will check spelling on all those text boxes. This plug-in also has the ability to look up highlighted words' definitions which could come in handy. This review is ieSpell checked! show Review details
It`s checking me now! 5 stars by hooverphonik Dec 17, 2007 (Read all my 4 reviews)
IeSpell is a top-notch add-on for IE7, since it does not have built-in spell-checking like Firefox. It is perfect for message boards, support forms, comments, reviews and much more. This is one of those "I Can't Believe It's Free" programs. In fact, it spell-checked this review. =) show Review details
Excellent 5 stars by alnjk01 Jun 17, 2007 (Read all my 124 reviews)
Medium footprint,little to no system resource usage,very easy and convenient to use and now very stable. Works well on Vista too. show Review details
The easier spell checker. 5 stars by GIORGOS Sep 20, 2006 (Read all my 14 reviews)
If you want a spell checker inside IE, this is for you. Nice and simple interface. Don't forget to add its icon at IE toolbar (left click->Customize). If you want a spell checker, outside IE, this is for you too. Just do this little trick: 1) Go to a website with text entry box (e.g. a New Thread post at some Forum). 2) Save this page (as mht or html) for offline use. 3) Next time you want a spell checker, copy your text there and check it. 4) Copy the corrected text at your desired application (e.g. at Notebook). Enjoy! show Review details
Nice program 5 stars by dikyrf May 16, 2006
I Loved it. It does all spelling online. Very nice. But I would like to see this program working will NotePad and WordPad that I use a lot. I hope next improvement will be this one. Why not working with all programs that we have to type on them? I well keep checking for updates. show Review details
There when you need it 5 stars by TerryP Apr 03, 2006 (Read all my 87 reviews)
If you post to forums or do any writing with a PC, you need this tool. Just right click and select to spell check your online post or document. Couldn't be any simpler or unobtrusive. show Review details
Fantastic application 5 stars by webslave Jan 15, 2006
The support for a custom dictionary is essential for the work that I do online. That this is available for free is even better. Myself? I've gone ahead and paid for the application as it I could potentially be considered as using it for business reasons. It's been a time and face saver countless times as my typing is speedy enough but my spelling is certainly not a strong suit. I will even be checking this review with the application. It's really very highly recommended by me at least. show Review details
A necessity! 5 stars by earlwana Aug 02, 2005 (Read all my 3 reviews)
This is a necessity for anyone who enters questions or comments on a web site and want to know if you've made a spelling error...horrors! show Review details
Spel corectlee! 5 stars by skidoodad Jul 08, 2005 (Read all my 5 reviews)
A great tool for those who frequently post messages (and reviews). Before this tool I composed in Word, did my proofing, and then copy-and paste into IE form. Major pain to say the least. Trying to use it with something other than IE? Wah! It does work with Maxthon. show Review details
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