
AutoHotkey User Reviews

5 stars81% 9
4 stars18% 2
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Based on 11 reviews
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A great way to make your own utilities 5 stars by mikesantana Nov 18, 2015 (Read all my 25 reviews)
I have done some programming, but I agree with a previous reviewer that, with patience, "you can do it". I had found a number of utilities on Snapfiles that "almost" did what I want, so I made up a few simple AHK scripts to control them. Problems solved! So by combining the (very easy) hotkey features with the ability to run and stop programs, check their state, control windows, etc, it can do an amazing number of things. The help includes quite a few helpful examples, and there are links to many user-contributed scripts to do all sorts of things. You might find one that does exactly what you need, or near enough that you can crib from it! I also looked at AutoIt (also on Snapfiles), which is another powerful tool, and you might find that more to your liking - a matter of personal preference. This is my choice. show Review details
First class software... 5 stars by rogerrabbit Mar 26, 2013 (Read all my 19 reviews)
I have no programming experience so its a little daunting at first, but surprisingly easy to get into and use, particularly as assistance is readily available on the forum. Makes a great text expander, something which as far as I can tell AutoIt cannot do (on their forums they seemingly regard a text expansion feature as tantamount to key logging yes, totally weird I know!). And the text can be expanded by means of keyboard shortcuts or by a great choice of GUI such as ListBoxes, DropDown lists etc. Plus there is even a pop-up calendar which works in Excel and is much easier to set up than Excels own pop-up Calendar equivalent. As a non-programmer I was initially put off as it appeared each script (e.g. each text expansion shortcut) had to be in its own file, resulting in numerous scripts having to be run and thereby being unmanageable. However I later discovered a script can contain numerous different macro commands so that is actually not a problem. Also opens websites, launches programs and much, much more. Highly recommended! show Review details
Fantastic ! Simple, light, powerful ! 5 stars by Edu_SS Feb 02, 2012 (Read all my 7 reviews)
I used ... for a decade. Since two months ago I changed to AutoHotkey. It's fantstic (not for initial users). Simple: you can edit your script directly in a TXT file. Light: ultra-fast with a bit of RAM. Powerful: you can automatize all your most common tasks. Once for all, worth spending a few hours to learn to use. show Review details
Oh, the amazing capabilities! 5 stars by TiggityT Nov 09, 2011 (Read all my 2 reviews)
This software is a beautiful gift to anyone who uses it. There are soooo many things you can do with it! I know how hotkeys set up for opening up all my favorite programs, my most visited websites, logging off and resetting my computer, custom text and links to directories and on and on. This program can be a bit confusing at first and if a command is not recognized it will mess up the whole program which is kinda lame, but overall amazing. show Review details
Automating tasks the easy way! 5 stars by busybusy Oct 10, 2011 (Read all my 265 reviews)
This is a great automation tool that just keeps evolving. It is pretty amazing what you can do with this program. Two-Thumbs Up! Thanks for an fabulous utility! show Review details
Pretty easy to use... 5 stars by KRWells Oct 17, 2009
Pretty easy to use as a non-script savvy user. The record feature saved my butt when using the program. Exceeded my expectations. show Review details
Awesome 5 stars by OzBrad Oct 07, 2009 (Read all my 23 reviews)
I looked around for a solution for my problem and found this software. Had it doing what i wanted within 10 minutes. Very powerful AND easy to use. show Review details
This is a part of my `swiss army utilities` 4 stars by pepoluan Nov 28, 2008 (Read all my 23 reviews)
Can't live without this one. With the help of AutoHotkey, I've: (1)Tamed the CapsLock key (2)Put a use to the Scroll Lock key (3)Control volume using my mousewheel (4)Control my audio player using keypad combo (5)Define custom shortcuts for actions I've often done (6)Automate LOTS of things I usually do on my workstation. In short, a godsend! show Review details
Do anything with this program. 5 stars by Numrod Jan 01, 2008 (Read all my 2 reviews)
It's like a programming language. Create scripts and compile them to EXE. Record keystrokes to a script and assign it to a key for play back. This program's capabilities are limited only by your imagination. show Review details
Solved my problems 4 stars by undead_geo Aug 02, 2007
I was looking for a hotkey application that can send keystrokes to specific Windows class only, and AutoHotKey can provide this. I took me less than 5 minutes to tweak the script to get what I wanted. Way to go AutoHotKey. show Review details
Really great tool! 5 stars by xbeta_cn Apr 19, 2007 (Read all my 6 reviews)
Even you dont know how to program, with this tool, you can do lot of things. I use it to auto log into my SAP, lotus notes; to help me in repeating copy and paste; to del null folders; to change a pic from true color to 8bit. You can find lots of scripts in its forum. show Review details
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