
Pidgin User Reviews

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Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 6 user reviews
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The best free multi protocol IM client 5 stars by csjjpm Mar 12, 2011 (Read all my 3 reviews)
It may not support audio and video but that is something they are working on. In the mean time it supports all the usual IM protocols including the most common MSN, Yahoo, AIM and ICQ. We use it in work for cross platform communication between Macs and Windows clients as it supports Bonjour/Rendezvous so Mac with iChat can communicate with PCs with Pidgin. We also run secure xmpp server allowing both platforms to communicate. If you want to communicate securely across the internet you can also use a plugin called 'Off the record' OTR. show Review details
It works well 4 stars by freesoftks Dec 11, 2010 (Read all my 4 reviews)
I use Pidgin to chat on a secure xmpp network. It is the most robust integrated chat application I have found. I have been on the net using chat services since 1996. Two thumbs up! show Review details
Light weight and fast. 5 stars by busybusy Nov 29, 2010 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Even though it does not have Video or Audio it does have everything else you need. It is light weight and fast. Thanks to the Pidgin Team show Review details
It's alright 4 stars by gimpguy Sep 01, 2008 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I can't say many bad things about Pidgin, although, liked earlier version. I don't feel the interface is where it "could" be in any areas but give it time. Either way, it's great to use but not a fav of mine. show Review details
Second 4 stars by xvMATTLEEvx Jun 26, 2008 (Read all my 8 reviews)
This was my favorite IM until digsby came out and now pidgin takes a distant second. Pidgin is simple to use and both adware and virus free. show Review details
Best multi-platform messaging client 5 stars by rachsjc Mar 14, 2008
I think Pidgin is way easier to use than Trillian. The interface is easier to navigate, more user friendly. Overall BETTER. Check it out. show Review details
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