Easy as pie to select a different Location, which gives your pc a different IP, for privacy. I checked with a couple of Check IP websites and it works. Hint, follow their suggestions and pick a location nearby your intended server. In the case of torrents from users all over, I guess just pick a locale with the desired language.
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I have to say this does in fact do a great job. It's very easy to set and use and of course, as stated, if it gets slow, just change location.
Plenty of options, may even get the pro version.
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Mar 05, 2013 for v2.0.433
Developer replies to emails. by mymonaro2003370
Feb 20, 2013
(Read all my 8 reviews)
I have found this program extremely useful. The developer has responded promptly to my emails. I requested if an additional country's server's IP address could be added to the program and the developer promptly actioned my request. This was greatly appreciated.
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Have been using Safeip for a few months mostly for unblocking sites at my office, works well I must say. If it ever gets slow I just change my location. It looks like they recently added a new Malware Scan feature, I was surprised it found 3 infected files that both my Kaspersky and nNorton did not detect as malware.
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Works as advertised - I tried hotspot shield and other similar tools in the past, in my opinion SafeIP surpasses these other tools in terms of speed, features, and ease of use. Can unblock facebook on my office computer, time to install at home.
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SafeIP works OK, but some of the IP locations were very slow to the point of being unusable with large web pages. This is a review of the free version, and the paid version offers improved speeds and more features.
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