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Misc. Utilities File Management System Information Desktop Tools | Browser Tools Advanced System Tools Misc. Networking Tools Network Information | Backup Software Disk Tools System Tweaking Educational Tools |
Anti-Spam Tools E-mail Programs | Misc. E-mail Tools Outlook Add-ons | |
Top 10 Downloads in E-Mail Software... Top Rated in E-Mail Software... |
FTP Server Mail Server | Misc. Server Tools Server Log Analyzers | |
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Freeware is a common term for programs that are free to use and keep. The vast majority of apps you'll find in this section are just that - free. Some authors bundle their software with a sponsored toolbar or similar third party component in order to raise funds for further development. We are very picky when it comes to promotional bundles and only accept a limited range of them. You can read more about our Adware/Spyware policy here.