File Renaming Freeware

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ReNamer Lite

ReNamer Lite ReNamer Lite

flexible file and folder renamer ReNamer is a small, yet very flexible file and folder renamer, that offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes as well as advanced options and support for...

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Bulk Rename Utility Bulk Rename Utility

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(18)
  • Popularity:99

Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename multiple files and directories, based upon flexible criteria. For example, if you have a whole load of files prefixed with 2012, you can quickly rename all these to... more

Rename Us Rename Us 5.0.1

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(3)
  • Popularity:66

Rename Us is a file renaming utility that enables you to rename and move or copy a group of files. You can combine multiple rules to change case, add/remove a suffix or prefix, add increment counters, replace strings and other... more

ReNamer Lite ReNamer Lite 7.7

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(41)
  • Popularity:77

ReNamer is a small, yet very flexible file and folder renamer, that offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes as well as advanced options and support for Unicode file... more

Rename Master Rename Master 3.20

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(25)
  • Popularity:66

Rename Master is a utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming... more

Advanced Renamer Advanced Renamer 3.95.4

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(6)
  • Popularity:66

Advanced Renamer is a batch renaming utility, that makes it easier to rename any number of files or folders. It supports 7 different renaming methods and also supports MP3 tags. You can rename the files with an increasing... more

KuKnet FileRenamer KuKnet FileRenamer 4.0

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:66

KuKnet FileRenamer is a powerful file renaming tool that can rename files in batch mode, using a variety of renaming rules. It can search and replace characters in the file names, truncate file names, add numeration, convert... more

RenJPEG RenJPEG 1.0.3

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:44

RenJPEG is a small utility to rename JPEG images based on the date they were taken or other information contained in the file. You can select to rename an entire folder of images or just select a few. The program shows you a... more

TGMDev PhotoRenamer TGMDev PhotoRenamer 4.1

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:22

TGMDev PhotoRenamer enables you to rename your photos according to the date and the time the photo was taken. The program extracts the date information from the EXIF data or, if no EXIF data is available, it can use the file... more

FileBot FileBot 4.7.9

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(1)
  • Popularity:44

FileBot is a TV and movie renamer that can automatically replace the cryptic file names from Torrent downloads with easy-to-read names, that include the name of the show or movie and the episode title. The program can detect... more

Ant Renamer Ant Renamer 2.12

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:44

Ant Renamer enables you to batch rename your files by using customizable settings. You can replace strings in the file name, insert strings, delete characters, enumerate file names, change case, use names from an external... more

MP3 Rename MP3 Rename

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:11

MP3 Rename will rename mp3 files according to many rules that you specify. The program can read ID3 v1 and read/write v2 tags and supports a fully configurable name format of ID3 tags. You can preview the results before you... more

Siren Siren 3.14

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(4)
  • Popularity:22

Siren is an advanced file renaming tool that can rename entire folder structures of files based on an expression. It can use any meta information associated with a file, including the file name, extension, dates, times, mp... more

Solid Renamer Solid Renamer

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(1)
  • Popularity:11

Solid Renamer is a file renaming tool that enables you to rename dozens or hundreds of files at once. You can add text to the beginning or end of the file names, replace text or characters, change case and enumerate you files... more

Flexible Renamer Flexible Renamer 8.4

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(12)
  • Popularity:44

Flexible Renamer is a powerful file/folder renaming utility for advanced users. It offers a variety of renaming options, including options to remove numbers or strings, replace strings, insert numbers, translate letters... more

Ken Rename Ken Rename 1.02

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(2)
  • Popularity:11

Ken Rename enables you to batch rename files, using a set of custom rules. You can insert or remove a part of the file name, add incrementing numbers, replace a string, change case of the file names and also use macro... more

PFrank PFrank 2.33

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(6)
  • Popularity:11

PFrank (Peter`s Flexible RenAmiNg Kit) is flexible file renaming tool that enables you to rename your files using simple or complex renaming schemes. You can add incrementing number counters, prefixes, postfixes and more. The... more

AnalogX Extension Changer AnalogX Extension Changer 1.0

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(1)
  • Popularity:11

AnalogX Extension Changer enables you to quickly change the file extensions for selected files (e.g from .JPEG to .JPG or from .log to .txt etc.) without changing the file format. You can change the extension for a single file... more

PixRenamer PixRenamer 2.0

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: none
  • Popularity:11

PixRenamer is a simple image renaming tool that is designed to rename photos within a folder and give them more meaningful names, instead of the usually numbered file name that is generated by digital cameras. You can replace... more

NIYoW - Name It Your Way NIYoW - Name It Your Way 1.7.6

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 4(3)
  • Popularity:11

NIYoW (Name It Your Way) is a utility for mass renaming of files and folders. It allows you to perform simple renaming tasks, as well as advanced operations that can combine multiple renaming rules into a single process. The... more

Lupas Rename Lupas Rename 5.0

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(7)
  • Popularity:33

Lupas Rename is a powerful file renaming software that allows you to perform advanced renaming operations on large numbers of files. It offers so many features, that we cannot even list half of them here, but here are some of... more

Batch File Renamer Batch File Renamer 2.51

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(5)
  • Popularity:33

Batch File Renamer is a simple tool, that allows you to quickly rename all the files in a specified directory. You can remove spaces, replace spaces with underscore, Uppercase/lowercase file name, add a prefix/suffix... more

Pennock`s Photo Renamer Pennock`s Photo Renamer 1.0-1

  • Our Rating: stars
  • User Rating: 5(2)
  • Popularity:11

PPR (Pennock`s Photo Renamer) is a simple renaming utility that allows you to rename large numbers of image files (or other files) to a uniform name, that consists of a custom prefix and an incremental number. For example your... more

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