PSPad Editor

PSPad Editor User Reviews

5 stars91% 34
4 stars2% 1
3 stars0% 0
2 stars2% 1
1 star2% 1
Based on 37 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 37 user reviews
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There is one lethal bug, that he cannot fix 1 stars by DerellLicht Jul 05, 2023 (Read all my 23 reviews)
This used to be my go-to programming editor... The feature set is everything one could ask for... but... A few years ago, a bug popped up in the program... it would cause closing-brace lines to be replaced with a strange binary data pattern... He has been fighting this bug for years, but is unable to resolve it... every time he came out with a new version, users would report it happening again... So now, in 2023, this otherwise-magical editor simply is not reliably usable... I recommend trying RJ TextEd instead; it has all the same features, superb user support, completely free, and it doesn't have this bug... separate note for Snapfiles... I had to make all of the specific ratings to Poor, in order to give it the "unusable" rating that I need to give it... but most of those categories Interface, Features, etc would be Excellent, if the program was simply usable... show Review details
Great program editor! 5 stars by busybusy May 01, 2018 (Read all my 265 reviews)
Amazing multi-tabbed utility that recognizes many programming languages. It is easy to use and configure. You can customize it just for the languages you use even just using it as a replacement notepad. It is maintained and is updated to provides fixes and features. Thanks to the author! I give it Two-Thumbs Up! show Review details
A great ide 5 stars by MikeWh May 12, 2009
PSPad is not simply a text editor - it's actually an excellent, easy-to-use IDE that allows you to edit, compile, and capture console ouptut all in one integrated app. It's perfect for programming in D (digital mars) as well as the .NET languages, and has actually changed the way I program. Try it instead of Eclipse or VisualStudio. show Review details
Absolutely amazing!! 5 stars by Putz_1975 Mar 25, 2009
I'm been getting into web development for maybe a year or two now and still a newbie really but this is the best text editor by a mile (and free to boot) that I've ever seen! Love the FTP option too! Great app! keep up the work on this and hope people donate! Well worth it! show Review details
The reigning king of text editors 5 stars by Rustyboy Jan 13, 2009 (Read all my 33 reviews)
I used to be a dedicated NoteTab Light user but PSPad is now the best text editor. One feature I love is the Tool Panel, the tabbed window down the left hand side which allows quick access to your files and even has a "favourites" tab where you can define your favourite files or folders. This is great if you often revisit a certain file for editing. PSPad has many, many features - in fact I am discovering more as I go. A must have. show Review details
Great editor 5 stars by ChrisWalker Dec 05, 2008 (Read all my 3 reviews)
PSPad is a great all around editor. It has tons of features and is very stable. As a professional software developer PSPad has proved to be invaluable. The only time I have to use another tool is when I need to look at really large files (>500 megs) or do compares for really large files. Other than that, it can't be beat. show Review details
Complex and awesome 5 stars by sonchip Nov 26, 2008 (Read all my 7 reviews)
This software package is one of the better more complex programming software I have used. I use it when I designed a website via HTML raw. I wanted to have a basic site. This did it well. You have the option to select multiple files, right click on them, then open them at one time. You can also create a project. I recommend to others. show Review details
As if it needs more praise 5 stars by pcs800 Nov 09, 2008 (Read all my 222 reviews)
Obviously this app has something everyone likes, me included. I love the integrated ftp client for editing right on my servers. Options galore, context menu integration, tons of languages supported, notepad replacement, the list goes on. show Review details
All around useful 5 stars by gimpguy Sep 12, 2008 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I use PSPad for everything, html, basic note pad functions, whatever the case, I won't let go of this editor. If you want the ultimate editor, this be the one! Perfection. show Review details
The best program in the world 5 stars by crazyguitarest Aug 29, 2008 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I live in this program. I use it for anything from PHP development and Cisco router configs to SQL data manipulation and just plain text files. It is the best thing that ever happened to programming. show Review details
Excellent text-editor 5 stars by notan1 Aug 17, 2008
Has everything you need from a text editor and more. show Review details
This is so cool! 5 stars by nobull2 Apr 11, 2008 (Read all my 25 reviews)
I can click on my Detailed Statements and send them to PSPAD and remove sensitive personal information and then put them on a Forum. I find this package to be just amazing! It certainly has made my editing a lot easier! Just love this! IMO show Review details
An editor for everything text based! 5 stars by ChrisD Dec 07, 2007 (Read all my 4 reviews)
I was looking for a notepad replacement for the longest time. What I really needed was spell checking. PSPad came up as a free alternative with this feature included. I was a bit put off by the sheer complexity of the program, but it has been growing on me, and now I can't do without it. I use for everything text based now and it works flawlessly. Yes, there are tons of features I never use, but I do not feel the complexity causes bloat and slow response. The editor opens fast and runs like a dream. I have found myself using more and more of the built in features, learning as I go. But even used as a plain text editor this gem shines like no other. If you are looking for a good text editor, free or even commercial, look no further. This one is a winner and well worth the download. And don't forget to donate. This one really deserves your support! show Review details
Notepad replacement that works! 5 stars by ajhitech Oct 19, 2007
I have waited for 20 years for good software on Winblows and have to say this is as close as I've seen to usable. An editor as good as any on LINUX! show Review details
Best of freeware editors 5 stars by sky_khan Oct 03, 2007
PSPad has many many useful features for a free editor. It is developed by Codegear (subsidiary of Borland) Delphi so although I'm familiar with it from day one as a former Delphi developer, if you have other editors/IDE's background, it may not familiar (shortcuts etc.) to you at first, but it is certainly worth to try for everyone who deal with programming/web on windows. show Review details
The best all purpose text editor! 5 stars by StuRat Sep 06, 2007
This is a real gem of an app! Excellent auto syntax highlighting + FTP built in is a real bonus. The layout is a little cluttered but this editor offers so much in such a small package I only have praise for it and it's free! Many thanks to the programmer Jan Fiala! show Review details
A real workhorse for day-to-day html 5 stars by WareQi Aug 24, 2007 (Read all my 6 reviews)
It's hard to beat PSPad for day-to-day coding chores in HTML. I use this application often when I don't want to be immersed in the complexity of Dreamweaver or some other full-blown editing environment. My only wish is that the menu system be a little more intuitive. Otherwise, wonderful program! show Review details
Absolutely amazing 5 stars by preachergeezer Jul 16, 2007
I have been a software engineer since computers were steam-powered :-), and I've used all manner of editors - vi, ISPF, xedit, etc. I love the curly-brace matching, the extensibility, and the overall usability. This is the best editor I have ever used. Many thanks to the folks that put this artwork together. show Review details
A terrific effort, but... 2 stars by WilliamMorris Jul 16, 2007 (Read all my 4 reviews)
I had high hopes for this editor: macro support, on-board FTP. Homesite has not aged well, so I figured a change was in order. Disappointingly, the macro and clips interfaces are not intuitive. Keyboard shortcuts for common tasks, in my opinion the most important feature, work only sporadically, and I have yet to find a consistent pattern. If you have more than five macros, forget it! Clips appear to be dependent on what "highlighter" is in force, but even that's not reliable. The clipboard throws exception errors five times out of ten. The help files are woefully inadequate. A terrific effort, but definitely NOT ready for prime-time. show Review details
More than you paid for... 5 stars by Bob78249 Jul 08, 2007
When it comes to PSPad "you get what you paid for" is a HUGE understatement; therefore, "more than you bargained for" might be more appropriate - but in a positive light. This is an excellent product and well supported as far as I have seen. Just as it was highly recommended to me when I was first introduced to it, I highly recommend it at every chance I have to everyone else who uses a text editor. It is an excellent tool for teaching and learning most scripting languages - where all you need is a text editor. As for anyone that is experienced at scripting and coding in a text-based editor, they will quickly see the advantages of using PSPad. The context-sensitive highlighting is just the tip of the iceberg. It's got support for projects, file browsing, even BUILT-IN FTP support! You will surely get "more than you paid for". Give it a try. show Review details
Best editor 5 stars by ysying Jun 29, 2007 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I used to use UltraEditor. N/ow I have this, who needs UE? And best of all, it is free! You cannot go wrong with this editor. show Review details
Fabulous! 5 stars by Rastaban Apr 20, 2007
This program is amazing! It works on so many different languages. I love the php and html highlighting features. This program is so powerful that after months of nearly daily use I still feel I am just skimming the surface, everything from FTP to highlighting to code navigation to regular expression search and replace. Thanks PSPad. show Review details
Perfect! 5 stars by vjacobi Mar 29, 2007 (Read all my 13 reviews)
Quite simply, this program is fantastic! Clean interface, powerful features and stable. And who says you can't get something for nothing? PSPad Editor makes life so much easier when it comes to editing raw HTML files. Download with confidence and donate if you found it worthwhile! show Review details
Nice tool for web development 5 stars by MaNiFEst Mar 11, 2007
So far best i found show Review details
The best 5 stars by Mayank Mar 10, 2007 (Read all my 2 reviews)
No need 2 look back, go for it!! show Review details
Use it all the time. 5 stars by dreemernj Feb 26, 2007
I constantly use PSPad with programs I am writing, and even more with websites. The built in FTP support means you can just log in to FTP, double click to open a file, and CTRL+S saves straight to FTP. I've set it up to handle files of my own formatting, and I've suggested it to everybody I know that codes on Windows. show Review details
The one. 5 stars by jesusimperat Jan 12, 2007 (Read all my 27 reviews)
Simply a must have. Trying is is using it... show Review details
Best editor I ever saw 5 stars by rainboy72 Jan 02, 2007
This must be the best editor I ever saw, well, i saw others but where quite expensive, this little tool as all the functions of the expensive full blown editors, but is totally free. However it is the first tool i made a donation for within 3 days of using it, trust me that is exceptional. show Review details
Simply superb! 5 stars by Birbals Dec 09, 2006
Its an honor to write a comment for PSPAD Editor. Its the best tool i have ever used in my career of development. Great Guns! Simply a master software for free! show Review details
It's a must 5 stars by dwwwllwwwb Nov 28, 2006 (Read all my 6 reviews)
There are only a few other applications in this category that are as good as this. Certainly, it can easily overcome its expensive commercial competitors. show Review details
Just excellent 5 stars by jerson Oct 10, 2006
Cannot live without it show Review details
Probably the best free text and code editor 5 stars by sampler Sep 28, 2006
It's incredible the quantity of very useful tools and features this editor has. You should at least try it, read some few docs and soon you'll fall in love with it. Really powerful editor. show Review details
Excellent (all over it) 5 stars by JDRSantos Aug 24, 2006
This is an excellent programmers editor in particular and a very good piece of software in general. I am surprised this is freeware. If at least some commercial software had this quality standards! show Review details
Freeware !!! 5 stars by stupidboy Jul 31, 2006 (Read all my 4 reviews)
This software gives a number of commercial products a run for their money and a whole host more something to aim for. Forget the rest download the best :0) show Review details
Good editor 4 stars by PhilDaniels May 30, 2006 (Read all my 2 reviews)
Good all around programmers editor, can be a bit slow on heavily loaded systems. show Review details
This rocks 5 stars by jv30344 Oct 01, 2005
For free software, this is amazing. It's very configurable, easy to use, and is intuitive. I would recommend it highly. It will store your projects, format your code, check for errors, and even save backup copies of your files. show Review details
Excellent and free! 5 stars by lunatic Aug 07, 2005
Excellent programmer/HTML text editor! Outstanding, but I gotta differ from some opinions here and say Ultraedit beats it handily. UE has a very similar interface, I suspect PSPad is modeled after UE, which isn't a bad thing because it has evolved over the years. However, I would say UE has twice the features. BUT PSPad is FREE!! Bottom line if you do casual programming, this is likely to keep you happy. If you program regularly, also download Ultraedit's trial version and give it a try too. show Review details
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