
Portable Software Page 14

FolderMoveFolderMove3.0Free move folders without breaking installations showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
MiTeC Network MeterMiTeC Network Meter2.5.0Free view network adapter statistics showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Pulover Macro CreatorPulover Macro Creator5.4.1Free automation tool and script generator showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
PDF Anti-CopyPDF Anti-Copy2.6.1.4Free protect content in your PDF file from being copied showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
HostsManHostsMan4.8.106Free hosts file manager and editor showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Norton Power EraserNorton Power Eraser6.0.1.2095Free malware scanner showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Eusing ClockEusing Clock3.1Free unique desktop clock showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Mail PassViewMail PassView1.92Free recover email passwords showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
Video CombinerVideo Combiner1.3.4Free merge video clips into a single video showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
ColorBugColorBug3.1.0Free color picker for developers and designers showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
Capture .NET FreeCapture .NET Free14.3Free portable screen capture and utilities showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
SterJo KeyFinderSterJo KeyFinder2.0Free recover product keys from software and games showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
DocFetcherDocFetcher1.1.25Free desktop search engine showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
CamWingsCamWings1.4Free Anti-camera solution showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
GhostpressGhostpress2.5Free stop keyloggers from spying on you showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
In My DiaryIn My Diary3.85Free personal diary and information manager showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
FinalCryptFinalCrypt6.8.0Free file encryption program showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
MiTeC Mail ViewerMiTeC Mail Viewer2.5.1Free viewer for email files showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(12)
ProduKeyProduKey1.97Free retrieve Windows CD keys showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(6)
WebBrowserPassViewWebBrowserPassView2.11Free recover stored browser passwords showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
CaffeineCaffeine1.97Free prevent your PC from going to sleep showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
NexusFileNexusFile5.4.1Free dual-pane file manager showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(8)
TweakezeTweakeze1.14.646 betaFree prevent undesired changes to your computer showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
Wise JetSearchWise JetSearch4.1.3Free quickly locate files and folders showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
WPDWPD1.4.1834Free tweak Windows privacy settings showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)

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