
Portable Software Page 6

HomeBankHomeBank5.8.5Free personal finance manager showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
BluetoothViewBluetoothView1.70Free monitor Bluetooth activity showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
WebCacheImageInfoWebCacheImageInfo1.35Free browse EXIF images in the browser cache showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
HiBit Startup ManagerHiBit Startup Manager2.6.50Free manage all your startup programs showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
HiBit UninstallerHiBit Uninstaller3.2.40Free uninstall software and remove any leftovers showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
ReNamer LiteReNamer Lite7.6Free flexible file and folder renamer showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(41)
VideoCacheViewVideoCacheView3.10Free extract videos from your browser cache showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
HTTP DownloaderHTTP Downloader1.0.6.4Free Maximize your download throughput showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
ScreenToGifScreenToGif2.41.1Free capture screen action as GIF animation showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
GameSave ManagerGameSave Manager3.1.571.0Free backup your game saves showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
VeraCryptVeraCrypt1.26.15Free create encrypted containers and mount them as drives showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
InstalledPackagesViewInstalledPackagesView1.09Free view installed MSI packages showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
RJ TextEdRJ TextEd16.30Free text and code editor showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(10)
streamWriterstreamWriter6.0.1Free internet radio recorder showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Delete.On.RebootDelete.On.Reboot3.41Free delete or move files and folders on reboot showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
WinDynamicDesktopWinDynamicDesktop5.6.0Free a port of the macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
WildBit ViewerWildBit Viewer6.14Free image viewer with slideshow showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Wise Program UninstallerWise Program Uninstaller3.2.1Free uninstall programs and remove leftovers showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(8)
DiskDiggerDiskDigger2.0.3.3967Trial recover deleted files showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(10)
HighlightHighlight4.13Free convert source code to formatted text showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
TraceRouteOKTraceRouteOK3.44Free simple traceroute software showEditor:rating
Users :no user rating
EverythingEverything1.4.1.1026Free desktop search engine showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(25)
grepWingrepWin2.1.4Free advanced text search and replace showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
LightBulbLightBulb2.6Free adjust your display brightness based on the time of day showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
NetworkOpenedFilesNetworkOpenedFiles1.63Free view files that are opened by other network users showEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)

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