New Releases & Updates (Freeware)

Nov 30, 2024
Money Manager ExMoney Manager Ex1.8.1Free personal finance softwareshowEditor:rating
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Database.NETDatabase.NET36.4.9099Free universal database managershowEditor:rating
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Double CommanderDouble Commander1.1.21Free dual pane file managershowEditor:rating
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Nov 29, 2024
AnkiAnki24.11Free friendly, intelligent flashcardsshowEditor:rating
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Editor Selections

iconFree tools to create a complete backup of your systemUnlike traditional backup tools, which let you select the files and folders you want to back up, disk imaging software enables you to create a complete backup of your entire system...

iconFree software for virtual space exploration from your desktop!Explore distant stars and planets with these space exploration programs. Turn your computer into a virtual telescope that enables you to zoom deep into the sky...

iconAutomate File Management and Routine TasksA selection of free apps that can automatically process your files, automate your daily task or save you time by simplifying complex operations.

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