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Feb 14, 2025
CalibreCalibre7.26.0Free e-book manager and readershowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(11)
AllDupAllDup4.5.66Free find duplicate filesshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(7)
Wise Program UninstallerWise Program Uninstaller3.2.3Free uninstall programs and remove leftoversshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(8)
AnyDeskAnyDesk9.0.4Free remote desktop softwareshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
ImgDriveImgDrive2.2.1Free mount disc image files in a virtual driveshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(1)
Comodo Internet SecurityComodo Internet Security12.3.4.8162Free personal firewall and antivirusshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(74)
Feb 13, 2025
UltraSearchUltraSearch4.6.2Free file and folder search toolshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(4)
BGInfoBGInfo4.33Free add system info to the desktopshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(3)
Help & ManualHelp & Manual9.7.0.6882Trial create manuals and documentationshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(2)
Memtest86Memtest8611.2.2000Free memory diagnostic toolshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(5)
360 Total Security Essential360 Total Security Essential11.0.0.1178Free triple engine antivirus programshowEditor:rating
Users :user rating(11)

Editor Selections

iconManage and secure your online passwordsPassword management is essential to avoid Identity Theft. These tools will help you store your passwords securely, create strong passwords and simplify your online logins...

iconFree software for virtual space exploration from your desktop!Explore distant stars and planets with these space exploration programs. Turn your computer into a virtual telescope that enables you to zoom deep into the sky...

iconFree tools to boost your productivityA variety of tools that can boost your productivity by helping you automate tasks, manage your desktop, email, files and daily routines.

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