Been using Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari for years, then decided to try something new.
Tried Maxthon, and after a couple of days, got to admit that I like it. It is a one-stop browser, with tons of features.
One of them, that I love so much, is "Reader Mode" which makes reading article on the internet fun again.
Try it yourself, play for couple of days, and see how good Maxthon is.
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Aug 22, 2013 for v4.1.2.2000
I deleted my raving review from 04 just to add another because this software is soooo good. I've used it since their first release. The 2.5 release is polished and stable. No other browser will touch this. Things like mouse gestures that actually work, saving tab groups, super-drag-drop a must have, searchbox, highlighting. If I need to browse and can't use Maxthon. I won't. IE is 200 years behind this product. Please, please, please don't sell out to MS. I've been in software for 25 years. This is the most useful software I've ever used, although Copernic and Quicken come close. Too much power for knuckleheads though. If you're a knucklehead, use IE. Thats what its made for. But if you can handle 25-50 tabs and feel at home. YOU WANT THIS BROWSER. And performance - who cares. I'll put this against any browser. Uses a bit more memory than some maybe, but again, who cares.
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jun 08, 2010 for v2.5.13.166
Have used many browsers over the years, IE6, Avant, Netscape, Firefox, etc., and in my opinion Maxthon beats them all. Firefox is a close second, but Firefox uses a lot of resources. Open several tabs in Firefox, then check out Task Manager to see the resources it uses. Maxthon uses very little resources and has great bells and whistles (maybe a few too many). It is very stable and compatible with most websites. As far as security, no browser is invincible. If one has a good antivirus program, antispyware program, and a good firewall, one browser is about as safe as another. I'm sure, with the ingenuity of the author, Maxthon will be the browser all others will have to contend with in the future.
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Dec 06, 2005 for v1.5 build 95
I have used Maxthon, [..], and [..] extensively. For ease of use, and believe it or not--security, Maxthon beats them all. Security, you say? I've used Maxthon for as long as I can remember. Scans of my system always came back perfectly clean. Deciding to use [..] for a day, simply for a change of scenery, I scanned afterward and found the first malware ever on my computer. Feel free to go with the hype, but I trust my computer only to Maxthon. And, it's nice to have a browser that works right "out of the box" instead of having to add countless plug-ins, as one must with either [..] or [..], to equal Maxthon's functionality. And, all those plug-in needed for [..] or [..] invariably present problems, with users saying to remove them if you wish to avoid such problems. Nope, doesn't make sense when Maxthon hits the ground running. I worship no browser; I simply use the best available.
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Oct 06, 2005 for v1.5 build 95
I wasn't hyped up about Firefox either when it came out, because I knew, that it's just a matter of time for them to start dealing with security. that's exactly what's happening now.
I'm using IE since 1997, after one year with Netscape.
What I want to say is not to rely on a browser for security. It's you and nobody else who can protect your own computer. So, my advise is to read and research here and what to use to for best protection. I use: AdAware,SpyBot S&D, Spyware Doctor, Spyware Blaster,Mycrosoft AntiSpyware, Symantec SystemWorks,WinPatrol, CCleaner...and more.
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- Recommend to a friend? No
- Posted Aug 05, 2005 for v1.3.3
..Loved this browser as I am looking to create an XP look-alike system as I am currently running a Windows Millennium. I'm getting VERY bored with the standard black-and-white look with this old Windows style, call me sad, but I've been hunting high and low for a browser that mimicked XP's style from what I've seen so far..and it looks as though I've found it at last. Funny, it's got the same name as my pet dog. I've found the tabs SLIGHTLY annoying, as when they open the browser doesn't automatically take to the next page you've selected, you have to do that yourself, but otherwise, nice colouring, very easy to use once you get the hang of the menus..and not too many buttons to get used to or ones you're not gonna use, that you cant remove that confuse you. That's what I've found with Advanced browser.
Review details
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- Ease of use

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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Aug 04, 2005 for v1.3.3
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