A considerable amount of time has elapsed since I have left any feedback for any program on this SnapFiles(WebAttack) site. However, I determined to make an exception in this instance with 'Everything'.
I had a not dissimilar program installed on my Windows 10 PC and for a few years. For reasons I could not fathom or ascertain, it stopped indexing after a certain percentage had been completed and there is, presently, no reply from Technical Support, from the Developer. I am, specifically not naming the former program because I had no issue with its reliability until recently.
Anyway back to Everything. This program really is phenomenal and quite exceptional. For someone who considers themselves a 'Software Geek' Everything certainly impressed, right from the download and install, through to the initial search! Cataloguing and Indexing was remarkably fast. Finding Everything or under the different categories of Everything, Audio, Compressed, Document, Executable, Folder, Picture or Video is incredibly fast. As the Search Term is typed, the results are loaded!
The program is versatile and flexible to meet with the needs of the User. Settings are comprehensive and should meet with the majority of the Users needs and expectations. The User Interface, while it might be deemed minimal is efficient and reliable.
The mind that put this program together cannot be far short of genius and I am indebted to them. Only wish I could make a worthy contribution in support of development
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jan 22, 2023 for v1.4.1.1022
I used to recommended Everything to everyone.
But the new version, update August 2014, is terrible.
I was using "Everything-" for years.
Worked very well, once in awhile a minor problem or need to restart, but overall it was great. If they reverted, I'd "5 stars" it again.
But the new version is buggy, near impossible for use on a multi-user system, and a big step backwards.
I'm sure the authors were trying to do well, but it didn't turn out so good. This used to be one of my favorite, "most used daily" programs. Thankfully I had a copy of the old install, and reverted back. The old version is working great (again).
Review details
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Aug 28, 2014 for v1.3.4.686
This replaces my previous positive review of 22413, posted when I hadn't yet used Everything enough.
Yes, the program is fast and the interface is clean, but it's filled with bugs e.g. search results showing single files in duplicate, results that don't match search criteria, deleted files still appearing in search results, etc.
Just visit the "Bug report" forum at the developer's site; there seems no end to problem issues.
Granted, the developer works to improve and update the program, but as of now it isn't ready for primetime.
A program plagued with bugs and functional issues negates the value of speed; a program must work properly and accurately before appreciating speed or convenience advantages. The amount of time and frustration in tweaking program options and going to the forum to report bugs or get help has far offset the slower performance of Windows Search Companion.
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- Recommend to a friend? No
- Posted Jun 13, 2013 for v1.2.1.371
I have used this program for a couple of years now, I don't remember how I ever did without it.
I always install it on a new fresh build or install and I have put it on all Family members' PC's as well as lots I have repaired.
The software really is simple to use, even if you do nothing and install it with the defaults set, it just works.
Start it and let it run every time windows starts, it uses very little RAM believe me. Double click to open a box, from the icon in the systray. As you type your search entry, the results are forming below, like Google suggestions, the prog is finding your files as you type as it has a database of them after the scan. It is amazingly fast at scanning and of course, searching.
I cannot recommend it enough!
It also has settings to use it over FTP or HTTP but I haven't looked into those settings, I just want a local file searcher and this is THE one to have :)
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Dec 02, 2011 for v1.2.1.371
With the indexing, it is a VERY fast search, likely can't get much faster. You type, it goes through and it's "RIGHT THERE" whatever you are looking for. If you are like me, always searching for files and messing around on the PC, this is the tool you need without a doubt. It doesn't support Fatat32 but then again, they are going the way of the dinosaur with being less secure, drive size restrictions, etc...Last time I used Fat32 was about 8 years ago, for some, longer. they are old school now and need to move on. So if you decide to use this, make sure you go to the site and read how to go over to NTFS. Anyway, Everything is great and I have a feeling will only get better.
Review details
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- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted May 04, 2009 for v1.2.1.371
I just started using this, so I can't be report extensively on its usefulness, but the first thing I noticed is that it did not index my FAT32 partitions. According to the online FAQ, the only way to fix that is to convert the FAT32 partitions/drives to NTFS (thanks, but no thanks!).
Also, the export function is nice, but it only copies the path and filename to the export file, size and timestamp (which show up on the program screen) do not get saved to the export file.
Might be useful (especially the portable, ZIP file version on the developers own site), but without support for non NTFS partitions, it will be a rarely used program in my arsenal.
Review details
- Interface

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- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted May 02, 2009 for v1.2.1.371
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