
Everything User Reviews

5 stars76% 19
4 stars12% 3
3 stars8% 2
2 stars4% 1
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Based on 25 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 25 user reviews
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Phenomenal! 5 stars by Dragon10 Jan 22, 2023 (Read all my 43 reviews)
A considerable amount of time has elapsed since I have left any feedback for any program on this SnapFiles(WebAttack) site. However, I determined to make an exception in this instance with 'Everything'. I had a not dissimilar program installed on my Windows 10 PC and for a few years. For reasons I could not fathom or ascertain, it stopped indexing after a certain percentage had been completed and there is, presently, no reply from Technical Support, from the Developer. I am, specifically not naming the former program because I had no issue with its reliability until recently. Anyway back to Everything. This program really is phenomenal and quite exceptional. For someone who considers themselves a 'Software Geek' Everything certainly impressed, right from the download and install, through to the initial search! Cataloguing and Indexing was remarkably fast. Finding Everything or under the different categories of Everything, Audio, Compressed, Document, Executable, Folder, Picture or Video is incredibly fast. As the Search Term is typed, the results are loaded! The program is versatile and flexible to meet with the needs of the User. Settings are comprehensive and should meet with the majority of the Users needs and expectations. The User Interface, while it might be deemed minimal is efficient and reliable. The mind that put this program together cannot be far short of genius and I am indebted to them. Only wish I could make a worthy contribution in support of development show Review details
Amazing search utility 5 stars by busybusy Apr 07, 2020 (Read all my 265 reviews)
I just started using Everything and have found it to be just amazing fast! I'm not sure how it does it but found it performs better then windows search. The install gives you a few options but I like to have it running as a service so you know it will be available when needed. The interface is easy but set up a Windows hotkey so it will be easy to launch, Tools->Options--General->Keyboard. The default setting will work for most people but can be tweaked for the more advanced user. Also, another cool option is the Bookmarks menu allows to you remember searches that you use most often without having to type it every time. Overall a solid search tool!! show Review details
Excellent i agree 5 stars by fena2012682 Feb 21, 2019 (Read all my 3 reviews)
Amazing program. So Fast & you you create your own bookmarks like biggest files, changed today, db-ini-tmp etc. You can also save hard drive info in an easily readable file. A list of All files, all folders.. everything. show Review details
Best search, even better with advanced search 5 stars by henerey773 Feb 20, 2019 (Read all my 37 reviews)
Using for several years for basic sortable (name/path/size/extension/date) filename search, recently I was telling a friend that it only missed being able to search for more than one word in the name. For instance Beep AND Boop AND .gif NOT Bee. As we spoke I found this capability under Search/Advanced Search. show Review details
Software excellence 5 stars by smaragdus Feb 13, 2018 (Read all my 9 reviews)
This is one of the few programs which deserve the highest possible rating- free, tiny, light, fast, stable, easy to use, feature-rich and highly customizable, an absolutely excellent piece of software. show Review details
Great but I have a wishlist 4 stars by boa888696 Dec 04, 2014
I have four disks so this is great as I can search all the disks at the same time. It searches folders just fine but I have not figured out how to search just one of the hard drives. Note from Editor: Go into the settings and uncheck all the drives you don't want to be included in the search. show Review details
New version, august 2014 is terrible 3 stars by HonestJohn Aug 28, 2014 (Read all my 10 reviews)
I used to recommended Everything to everyone. But the new version, update August 2014, is terrible. I was using "Everything-" for years. Worked very well, once in awhile a minor problem or need to restart, but overall it was great. If they reverted, I'd "5 stars" it again. But the new version is buggy, near impossible for use on a multi-user system, and a big step backwards. I'm sure the authors were trying to do well, but it didn't turn out so good. This used to be one of my favorite, "most used daily" programs. Thankfully I had a copy of the old install, and reverted back. The old version is working great (again). show Review details
Worked for me 5 stars by Testing123 Feb 05, 2014 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I had a ton of .m3u files that needed to be replaced and it found all of them and had them all listed in order which made them easy to delete. Haven't used it enough to find any bugs like malone did but from what I can see it works perfect for my needs. show Review details
Bugsy malone 2 stars by rkd108428 Jun 13, 2013 (Read all my 17 reviews)
This replaces my previous positive review of 22413, posted when I hadn't yet used Everything enough. Yes, the program is fast and the interface is clean, but it's filled with bugs e.g. search results showing single files in duplicate, results that don't match search criteria, deleted files still appearing in search results, etc. Just visit the "Bug report" forum at the developer's site; there seems no end to problem issues. Granted, the developer works to improve and update the program, but as of now it isn't ready for primetime. A program plagued with bugs and functional issues negates the value of speed; a program must work properly and accurately before appreciating speed or convenience advantages. The amount of time and frustration in tweaking program options and going to the forum to report bugs or get help has far offset the slower performance of Windows Search Companion. show Review details
Outstanding product! 4 stars by k40merc47 Jun 06, 2013
Thank you for your vision. It's a winner. show Review details
Bye bye Microsoft 5 stars by GodsOtherSun Mar 02, 2013 (Read all my 5 reviews)
Never before have I ever had such hate for Microsoft software. Been looking for programs that would allow me to use less and less MS software. Between virtual folders and libraries-this software is a whole lot better. show Review details
Fast and serious 5 stars by levoyageur31 Jun 25, 2012 (Read all my 3 reviews)
Really the best in desktop search.This program is light and simply to use. One thousand thanks for the developer. If I had the same thing to sort out the whole caboodle in my office, the life will be simpler... show Review details
Outstanding 5 stars by Tbvck1 Apr 23, 2012 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I have been using "Everything for about 2 years now. Everything does what it says, and it is very fast. I have a very large PDF library on one external HD, and even more (folders,files,music etc.) on another drive. If I need to find a book, file or song all I have to do is enter the first couple of characters, and before you know it Everything compiles a list of results. The settings are sensitive, you'll have to work at it a little, but it's easy! You can do a lot of other things with the results by right clicking. show Review details
Surpassed my expectations 5 stars by ihoussami313 Jan 07, 2012 (Read all my 2 reviews)
This is truly an OUTSTANDING TIME SAVER. Best search program I have ever used. Highly recommended for all. Do not be caught without it. Many thanks for the developer(s) - a brilliant piece of work. This is the 1st time I have ever felt so strongly about an app. that I signed up just to leave this comment. show Review details
Really is the best in desktop search! 5 stars by FaeGiN Dec 02, 2011 (Read all my 9 reviews)
I have used this program for a couple of years now, I don't remember how I ever did without it. I always install it on a new fresh build or install and I have put it on all Family members' PC's as well as lots I have repaired. The software really is simple to use, even if you do nothing and install it with the defaults set, it just works. Start it and let it run every time windows starts, it uses very little RAM believe me. Double click to open a box, from the icon in the systray. As you type your search entry, the results are forming below, like Google suggestions, the prog is finding your files as you type as it has a database of them after the scan. It is amazingly fast at scanning and of course, searching. I cannot recommend it enough! It also has settings to use it over FTP or HTTP but I haven't looked into those settings, I just want a local file searcher and this is THE one to have :) show Review details
Fast and easy to use. 5 stars by Tweetson Mar 13, 2011 (Read all my 11 reviews)
I use Everything to find duplicate files and folders. Great for finding different program versions and lost files. Just start typing a name and it lists files and folders with that name instantly. show Review details
Genius 5 stars by File_per Feb 19, 2011 (Read all my 6 reviews)
Amazing. You can turn off the noisy windows indexing and still enjoy instant search results. Some windows system files are not found, but they are most likely the files you will never be looking for anyway. Highly recommended. show Review details
A stunning program 5 stars by Tomkaten Jun 28, 2009
I was amazed when I found this little gem. I never thought it was possible to search one's file at such speeds. It's so fast to launch in the first place, that I really don't need to keep it resident and have it consume memory (though its footprint is pretty low). I've just set it to a keyboard shortcut and launch it whenever I need to find something. Honestly, Microsoft should hire these guys if they ever want an instant search that doesn't index your stuff in decades. Many more stars than five from me :) show Review details
The awesomest desktop search engine ever 5 stars by charonn0 Jun 12, 2009
I am still in awe of this program. I cannot fathom how it does what it does and so fast. This little program kicks Google Desktops hindquarters, and kicks it hard. It's small, simple, and extremely, blisteringly, laws-of-physics-violatingly fast. show Review details
Fast 5 stars by gimpguy May 04, 2009 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
With the indexing, it is a VERY fast search, likely can't get much faster. You type, it goes through and it's "RIGHT THERE" whatever you are looking for. If you are like me, always searching for files and messing around on the PC, this is the tool you need without a doubt. It doesn't support Fat at32 but then again, they are going the way of the dinosaur with being less secure, drive size restrictions, etc...Last time I used Fat32 was about 8 years ago, for some, longer. they are old school now and need to move on. So if you decide to use this, make sure you go to the site and read how to go over to NTFS. Anyway, Everything is great and I have a feeling will only get better. show Review details
Small and fast, but works only with NTFS 3 stars by Muad`Dib May 02, 2009 (Read all my 6 reviews)
I just started using this, so I can't be report extensively on its usefulness, but the first thing I noticed is that it did not index my FAT32 partitions. According to the online FAQ, the only way to fix that is to convert the FAT32 partitions/drives to NTFS (thanks, but no thanks!). Also, the export function is nice, but it only copies the path and filename to the export file, size and timestamp (which show up on the program screen) do not get saved to the export file. Might be useful (especially the portable, ZIP file version on the developers own site), but without support for non NTFS partitions, it will be a rarely used program in my arsenal. show Review details
Extreme search 5 stars by HZetzer May 01, 2009 (Read all my 23 reviews)
Everything searches incredibly fast and is certainly a must have tool. There is a portable version for download as well that requires no install. show Review details
I think i found my new default search app 5 stars by TerryP Apr 30, 2009 (Read all my 87 reviews)
This program is great! It's small, fast, and simple - ideal for quickly locating files and folders. It indexes extremely fast (within seconds) and best of all, it automatically monitors file system changes and updates it's database each time the program starts. My 38GB HDD took about 12 seconds to initially index. There is also a portable version available from the author's web site. show Review details
Definitely light and fast 4 stars by pcs800 Apr 30, 2009 (Read all my 222 reviews)
I have always liked the "idea" of a desktop search tool but tried bunches of them and hated every one. Either they are very bloated and weigh down my system heavily, or they are extremely complicated or take forever to index, or SOMETHING I don't like. This one is different, it is extremely fast, extremely light weight and takes only seconds (seemingly) to index your drives. I am not quite understanding why it comes with an ftp and http server, but why not I suppose. show Review details
Possibly the best 5 stars by BarryFox Apr 27, 2009 (Read all my 8 reviews)
I've been using this search program for quite a while and wouldn't be without it. Unlike heavy bloated desktop search engines, this program is lightning fast and you'll get what your're looking for instantly. Search anything on your computer and external drives, as well. Just as soon as you create or modify a file, it lists (updates)itself in the program. You can even see it being updated. It's an amazing program; light and portable. Set it up (like I did) and make the ALT and ENTER keys your hot keys, so you'll have a search engine anytime and at your fingertips. Try it! You will absolutely wonder what you did before having this tiny app. I can't say enough good things about this program. show Review details
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