KeePass (Classic Edition)

KeePass (Classic Edition) User Reviews

5 stars80% 16
4 stars15% 3
3 stars5% 1
2 stars0% 0
1 star0% 0
Based on 20 reviews
Avg. user rating: 5 Based on 20 user reviews
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Faultless performance 5 stars by JURYCOM Apr 05, 2015 (Read all my 43 reviews)
Faultless performance. I used this as a back-up for LastPass - the free online version but, HEY you never know when the net might not be working. Always pays to have a back up especially for really private stuff that you don't want the gov' reading. show Review details
Great tool! 5 stars by busybusy Jul 03, 2012 (Read all my 265 reviews)
This a wonderful password manager. It is easy to use and has a wide range of support including plug-ins. The encryption used is up to par with a lot of other tools. Plus they are quick to fix any bugs reported with an update checking build in. Two-thumbs Up! show Review details
My favorite password software! 5 stars by Big_Ty Apr 20, 2012 (Read all my 4 reviews)
This program is fantastic for keeping your passwords safe, and in one place! Has an intuitive layout, and all features you need within one screen. Is very customizable, and is easy to use to input user names and passwords onto input boxes. High marks all the way around for KeePass! show Review details
Wonderful 5 stars by gimpguy Apr 04, 2011 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
I have tried other password managers in the past and eventually, grew tired of them or they simply didn't function how I liked. This said, KeyPass is a totally different matter. I have too many passwords now and to leave them written down or typed on the PC is not only hectic but isn't very secure either. KeyPass is now handling it all for me and is sheer brilliance. I love the auto fill function and they way it handles URLs and has a very easy to understand data base usage. Some extended features can be tough at first but simply read the wiki and you'll be fine. Also, it supports numerous plugins (although for security reasons, make sure you can trust the plugin author). I installed PassIfox for Firefox support and it's been working fine. Can't say anything bad about this and I'm having fun with it right now, yes, having fun with a password manager, it's taking a burden off of me which is always fun! show Review details
The only lack... 4 stars by Davide Jul 13, 2009
The only lack is the integration with Firefox. show Review details
The best replacement for pins available! 5 stars by AmylNitrate Apr 25, 2008
I used a program called 'PINS' for years and years, but eventually I decided that I needed something with a few more features. After trying a huge number of PW managers, and discovering none of them were very good, or suitable, I came across this OpenSource offering. Man alive, this was a find indeed. This app is loaded with features; you can organise pws into groups and subgroups, assign group icons, set up auto paste functions, generate secure passwords, etc. and securely protect your pw database. You can even use a keyfile to increase security! This really is a fantastic piece of free software. It knocks the payware offerings I tried out into a cocked hat. Highly recommend this software. I suggest that you spend 20 minutes reading the manual first however. Although most things are intuitive, you will get a better idea of the capabilities of the software, and you'll also realize what a great piece of kit you're getting for nothing. Good luck and enjoy. show Review details
Not bad 4 stars by lordtep Dec 06, 2007
You won't find too many (Free) password managers on the Internet with the features that Keepass offers. Coming from a person who has at least 10 different usernames for online forums with 9 different email accounts, personally, I can't keep up with all the login information I use every day. Talk about a headache, right? Keepass however, makes this easier to handle. You are given the option of creating an unlimited number of logins for various websites with the addition of secure generated passwords. Keepass also offers the function of auto-typing all your logins to the websites you visit online that require a username/password. You can also generate RANDOM passwords that aren't even copied into your Windows clipboard making things keylogger free. Also REMEMBER the password you set for your database. If you loose it like I just did, you can't answer a secret question to request a password change. show Review details
A must-have software! 5 stars by yassertariq Sep 06, 2007 (Read all my 90 reviews)
It's the best. Imagine a feature that a password-manager should have, and presto this nifty software has. show Review details
An excellent password manager 5 stars by Sianlover Aug 14, 2007 (Read all my 6 reviews)
I have used a variety of password managers; this is certainly the best. It is neither complex nor intrusive, and is small enough to fit easily on to even the least capacious USB drive. Probably the most surprising thing about it is that it is free. show Review details
Excellent, uncomplicated and easy to use 5 stars by NickElliott Apr 13, 2007 (Read all my 7 reviews)
This is an excellent utility, secure and easy to use. KeePass is completely independent - I have it running on a USB stick which is fantastic. You can also attach a file to each entry which is encrypted in the database, very useful. I'm gradually building up the database with logins, software licenses/keys etc. etc. Invaluable. show Review details
I love this little program 5 stars by Adama222 Jan 13, 2007
This is a very useful program for storing and using passwords. I like the drag and drop feature especially. The fact you can use a file along with a password for access is nice and secure. And It's FREE! show Review details
Complicated and fiddly 3 stars by ezyduzzit Jan 08, 2007 (Read all my 16 reviews)
Double clicking this standalone executable just complicated my life unnecessarily. It's packed with features and if I had the time and inclination, I'm sure I could get the hang of it. But I need a password manager that works straight out of the box - not one that sends me on a wild goose chase. Fun for some, I guess... show Review details
Best of the best freeware! 5 stars by Column Dec 08, 2006
Fantastic software, totally unrestricted freeware, flexible, portable and incredibly secure. Not as idiot proof as one of its rivals (but not restricted to 10 passwords either). Has it's own macro language for setting up non-standard login procedures + hotkey logging in so no cut and pasting/drag and dropping. You will need to read the manual to set up some of the advanced features, but it is well worth the effort. It can operate from a usb key or it can be managed on a network... It's the BEST!! show Review details
Fantastic! 5 stars by DavidD Jul 18, 2006 (Read all my 4 reviews)
Great features, easy to use, easy to setup...fantastic! show Review details
A good replacement for PINs 5 stars by TerryP Jun 23, 2006 (Read all my 87 reviews)
I tried this password manager to see how it compared to PINs and I think it's a good alternative. PINs, however, has a much smaller footprint, is quicker to launch, and it's a smaller download. That said, I think this password manager is great for those who need additional features that PINs doesn't have. show Review details
The best password database I`ve found 5 stars by VikingMan Feb 16, 2006 (Read all my 15 reviews)
I wrote a positive review of another free password manager app but subsequently changed to this one because, hey, it's still free and it's better! This is the best password manager I've found so far. It's designed securely to combat keyloggers and is packed with features (even more via its various plugins). But still easy to use. It's also designed to be configurable enough for a network environment. show Review details
The best! 5 stars by Techzilla Jan 21, 2006 (Read all my 3 reviews)
I've tried at least a dozen password managers and KeePass is by far the best I've found, and you can't beat the price! show Review details
Very easy to use. i love it... 5 stars by django Jan 02, 2006 (Read all my 3 reviews)
The greatest features have already been mentioned but I'll do it again. I chose this program because there was no need to install it. Just run the executable file and it opens. I put a copy on my thumb drive to keep on my keychain. I also just started using the hotkey function. Whatever site you are on, just hit ctrl-alt-a and KeePass will automatically log you in. No need to use the copy-paste function. It also supports drag-drop which works great. show Review details
Good program except for a couple of problems 4 stars by uneasyrider Sep 14, 2005 (Read all my 2 reviews)
I liked nearly everything about KeePass. It's a smooth, easy-to-use, full-featured program in most aspects. However, printouts can be problematic in that text gets cut off the right edge of pages if you have long URLs or notes, in which case you have to make bothersome adjustments, such as shrinking the font size (landscape mode is almost a must). This might not affect all users, but in my case to get a complete sheet I needed to shrink fonts so much that it became difficult for me to read the pages. KeePass might want to study alternative printing layouts to remedy this potential problem. Also, I wasn't able to import CSV data (not even exported CSV data from KeePass that I then reimported); this might be my misunderstanding of the instructions, however. Other than that, I was completely content with everything else about the software. show Review details
Private fort knox 5 stars by Nicholas Aug 15, 2005 (Read all my 72 reviews)
Yes! This is the one! After trying a few other (awkward) password keepers I discovered KeePass and found out quickly that this program is useful, reliable, user friendly and very safe. It reveals passwords and other secrets only for a very short time on the clipboard, just long enough to paste it into a waiting password field. From now on I never have to click buttons with texts like: Forget Password? Very valuable and free! show Review details
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