I gave up on Firefox due to many issues and have been with Opera for a few months now.
So far it's been completely awesome and flawless and all the PC issues I had due to a simple browser, Firefox, are gone now and as long as Opera remains a great stable browser, I will stick with it.
It's always been a great browser but I was a Firefox fan for years, unfortunately it's changed and not for the better and I now wish I would have switched to Opera years ago.
Opera is what Firefox was, or should be now, perhaps even much better.
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- Posted May 23, 2014 for v20.0.1387.91
Just like a home brewed coffee I always have beside me while strolling 'round the net, Opera always bring a nostalgic phenomena that I seem to never get from other browsers at par with it. I stayed long with GC and MFF for the longest time I can remember, even had fun tweaking them to best fit my flavor and played around with their huge db of extensions but whenever I get updates for O, it never failed convincing me to get back (as opera seldom releases stable build so I stayed to giants for quite some time).
Despite of it being low on market share, I'm actually impressed by how the company stay put all throughout, staying cool while all the others rushing to get things done. Proud to say it pioneered a lot of innovations, and compiled it to a very tiny size; always aim minimalistic at its bet, not compromising the overall performance; utilizes power and memory efficiently giving us a fluid browsing experience and best of all, (at least for me :D ) the way its smooth scrolling ease in throughout the pages that NEVER tires my eyes. (Those who uses Opera knows what smooth scrolling is, I bet).
I mean, not being biased here but I think this is one of the most important things a feature-packed web browser should put a great effort to as this has a huge impact on over-all browsing experience, imho. Thumbs down to web developers who are lazy enough to implement web standards and exclude opera.
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- Posted Aug 02, 2012 for v12.01
Speed: 8/10. Opera has a thing with taking a max of a second to "decide" to load websites, however it was still faster than other browsers such as Safari.
Performance: 9/10. No crashing, no freezing (actually, there might have been once or twice, but it was probably on my end, and wasn't significant enough or else I would have remembered it). The addons seemed to work, the animations on the tabs and other elements of the browser were fairly smooth. Overall nice performance.
Customizability: 8/10. Opera came with a default theme that came in several colors. I liked a few of them. And even better, it came with themes that did things from changing some of the icons and transparent backgrounds, to revamping the entire UI. I was fairly impressed with the themes and addons. However, I noticed there weren't any themes that were more background image based, such as Personas with FireFox. However, you get what you get.
Comfort: 7/10. The main things that made me uncomfortable, per say, was the speed of the websites loading as well as the bookmarks. I mentioned the speed a few times, but the bookmarks is still a bit of an issue. It's hard to enjoy being comfortable to know you can access any bookmark in your bookmark bar when it's not there in the first place.
Overall: 8/10. Opera, overall, is a great browser. However, despite these few flaws, I found it a very interesting and fun browser to work with. I will definitely add this browser to my list of ones to use as backup.
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- Posted Jul 08, 2011 for v11.50
I tried almost all of the web browsers and all of them have their good and bad points. Opera is my favorite at the time. It is clean, fast, has almost all the features I need. Its only problem was "Bad Request (Invalid Header Name)" message I encountered frequently, even for Snapfiles' website. However, turning its "turbo" feature off got rid of the problem and even without turbo it is still the fastest with one exception (K-Meleon, which is also a good browser). It also works with 64 bit W7. It doesn't hog system resources too much and keeps the screen free for really needed browsing space, with completely customizable features. It's password manager, extensions for email, Youtube, etc. make it even better than Firefox which used to be my favorite, but seems to be bloatware and so slow for me after using Opera.
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- Posted Jan 30, 2011 for v11.01
This applies to version 9.6.
1) Opera imports all bookmarks from Firefox, WITHOUT ASKING FIRST! That is exactly what I did NOT want. There is no excuse for that. If I want to import bookmarks, I can do that (in any other browser) in 30-60 seconds!
2) OK, I really want to use Opera, so I will just manually delete the Bookmarks, so I can have a clean start. WRONG! I can only delete the bookmarks that are in folders. There is no way (I could find) to delete bookmarks that are not in a folder. In fact, in "Manage Bookmarks" the bookmarks that are not in folders do not even appear, so I cannot delete them, put them in a folder, or do anything with them.
3) There is no excuse for making me go to the Help files, to do something this basic. However, I'm giving Opera every chance possible. NOTHING in the help files about deleting bookmarks.
4) That is as far as I got, I never did any web surfing with Opera.
5) Opera is not intuitive, I'm removing Opera.
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- Posted Oct 23, 2008 for v9.6
Speed, feeds and widgets, oh my! I've been using Opera since version 6. Version 9 is a tremendous all-in-one internet tool. Security, web standards, customization, skins, forums, community, mail and more. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox or whoever could only dream up what the folks from Norway have already done. This nonsense of "IE only" web programming will eventually go the way of the Berlin Wall. Opera not only enhances the usage of the internet, they make it happen!
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- Posted Jul 03, 2006
I have been using Opera for over 4 years now, maybe more. The latest version is FREE, removing the last excuse for IE victims to not seek help. I cannot imagine anyone who has used Opera for more than a week, to ever move back to IE or even Mozilla.
Mozilla Firefox is similar to Opera (as well as an ally in the war against IE Domination). However, in an attempt to pack in all features, it is a bulky program (much like IE). Opera on the other hand, at just 3.5MB, offers most functions at BLAZING FAST speeds!
The web page rendering itself is quite fast and recovering pages from Cache is faster. Much better than IE or Firefox. You can navigate most of the functions without needing the mouse, using KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS.
Websites that use IE proprietary stuff do not work well. Example: www.citibank.com
Barring a few (barely 2%) websites that are not written as per generic standards, Opera fits ALL requirements!
10 Star Rating :-)
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- Posted Dec 13, 2005 for v8.51
Opera is now a pretty solid browser and it has some features others don't have like the ability to disallow frames, but it still has its problems. While it will use older Windows media players, it chokes on V9, and has trouble with some standards like CSS2. As the web matures, Opera is struggling to keep up and add new, distinguishing features, but doing a pretty decent job. Can't stand the ad, though, and I'm too into free to pay to remove it. I've kept it for testing purposes, but I never browse with it. Its not something I'd put on my Mom's desktop. [Editor: the latest version of Opera does not display ads anymore]
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- Recommend to a friend? Maybe
- Posted Nov 22, 2005
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