Spybot was once a pioneer and staple, a "Must have" program. Not any more. Based on distant past use, I wanted to give it a go. It was a minor disaster. It is way, way too aggressive in removing things. It starts off wanting to remove everything (defaults to remove all), including Windows staple recent files, logs, and contents. There is a menu of sorts, but it is clumsy, disorganized, unclear, and hard to use. I thought I'd unchecked everything I wanted to keep, but within minutes of running Spybot, I had problems such as program's "recent file lists" being wiped out and other issues to broad to list. There is supposed to be an "undo quarantine" that I could not get to work, so I lost it all and spent a lot of time trying to restore lost data. It is a shame a once good program has fallen this far. Hard to use, bad results.
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- Posted Nov 24, 2021 for v2.8.68
I use Spybot for years; the recent changes in program are not encouraging. The program nags too often; it can open its warning screen while computer is locked and consume pretty much resources with it, for reason unknown to me.
Currently, all the important actions are manual; interface became too complicated, memory footprint has become very much.
Yet still its efficiency as scanner is good, I just do not allow it to stay running in background, to save resources and nerves, it's appeals to pay are just irritating.
However, it was once extremely good piece of freeware, so I still recommend it. Just use something else with it, for fuller safety.
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- Posted Jul 16, 2015 for v2.4
Yes like I said a home user is not waiting for a program like this. That is because it is too complicated. Also the program itself is somewhat slow. But the good side is that the detection rate is incredible.
I recommend spybot however for home users I recommend Force Byte Detector since this program can get rid of adwaretoolbars and can protect you against adds,scripts,adware,toolbars. This program is pretty lightweight,clean,fast and free!
Also this program has a build in cleanup system which is all friendly too use. The program itself is safe (verified by Virus Total)
You should check it out.
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- Posted Jul 29, 2013 for v2.1
Spybot was my go-to malware program for years until MBAM came along and severely outclassed it. I hadn't used it in a while, but wanted to check behind MBAM, MSE, and SuperAntiSpyware on a laptop I was cleaning up for a friend.
I was sorely disappointed with how badly this program has lost focus. From the gimmicks to hide and discourage downloading the free version, to the unnecessarily complicated interface, I recognized this path to bloatware oblivion as the same one AVG took a few years ago when it became the awful, invasive piece of spyware it is today ("security" toolbar, anyone?).
With the latest version of Spybot S&D, I could not expediently figure out how to run a full system scan, and it appeared to not even be an option on the free version any more. So I tried to improvise by selecting the entire C drive for a "folder" scan, but this froze the program, which then required a ctrl+alt+del just to be mercifully closed and cleared away.
That was all I needed to see. Thanks to the developers for providing a great piece of free software for so many years, and good luck with this as well.
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- Recommend to a friend? No
- Posted Jun 04, 2013 for v2.1
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